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Gray Area
Socialism, Marxism & Communism are variations on the same ideology. Basically: • Government ownership of means of production • No private property • Redistribution ("From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs") • Leadership by elites or dictator. Marxism is the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, in which the concept of class struggle in the current order of society stems from its economic system, capitalism; that in this system there are two major social classes; that conflict between these two classes is the root of all problems in society. The underlying principle: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". In practice, it often leads to violence since, according to Marx, a revolution is necessary in order to smash capitalism and proceed to the following stage. It also advocates for a proletariat dictatorship after the revolution to fight back any counter-revolution from the recently fallen bourgeoisie (capitalists). All Marxist forms of government in the past 150 years have been oppressive on it's citizens and as a result have failed! Because of this, today, radical leftist are taught to use the term 'socialism' and to make the point that socialism works in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and others. Conveniently misrepresenting the situations in those countries and leaving out Cuba, Venezuela, et al.

'sooner or later'

from The Gray Area:
The world’s leading CEOs, politicians, and various do-gooders were in Davos, Switzerland, this week, discussing ways to solve our collective problems and create opportunities for their own companies. The most important conversations were off the record and many of the public speeches were simply performance art. While that particular gathering could use more balance, such discussions are still important. We can’t fully understand the economic outlook, whether for large corporations or individual investors, without considering the global forces that affect it. Those forces aren’t simply economic, either. Political, social, demographic, and other factors influence how nations trade and interact. Technology—and access to it—is incredibly important. The world runs on energy. We call this mixture “geopolitics,” and it is hard to separate from economics. That is a good summary of the World Economic Forum meeting in DAVOS. Look at the articles on the left and right and you can see this geopolitical "performance art' playing out. Mauldin continues; More often, though, the problem with geopolitics is that trends develop so slowly. They’re plainly visible, but easily missed against flashier, more immediate events. These appear to becoming visible  ... 'maybe sooner than we think'... I published this video below on the site back in August. Watching it the first time was startling enough. But, watching it again in the context of the 'geopolitical' discussion in DAVOS, it is clear there is an attempt to step up the pace on the 'New World Order' and 'Great Reset' (authored by WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab). As Maudlin 'hints,' China and the WEF are working tightly together in this, and more. Saudi Arabia and China have very close and friendly relations. Saudi Arabia is China’s comprehensive strategic partner in the Middle East. Think Chinese RMB becoming the reserve currency for payment for Middle East oil. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIR) was popularized in 2015 by WEF's Klaus Schwab. FIR obviously follows the 1st, 2nd & 3rd industrial revolutions and conceptualizes rapid change to technology, industries, and societal patterns and processes in the 21st century due to increasing interconnectivity and smart automation. The term has been used widely in scientific literature. Schwab asserts that the changes seen are more than just improvements to efficiency, but express a significant shift in industrial capitalism. Implementation of these concepts is initially targeting food, energy and the elimination of capitalism ( a major goal of worldwide Marxism ). It is the Marxists that are corrupting an otherwise interesting intellectual discussion of the next 'industrial revolution'. Removing an economic model (capitalism) that has brought prosperity throughout the world, and replacing it with a authoritarian model (Marxism) that has consistently failed and brought death and misery with it, makes a lot of sense, right? Imagine life, if there are shortages of food, energy, & water and the only place you can get either is from the government! Is that not close to the theoretical definition of Marxism? Feel better yet? The hysteria around climate change is enabling the 'sooner' than later speed of these ideas. Those left and right articles mentioned above both describe the latest antics in DAVOS, with expected softening of the intent on the left and highlighting of the dangers on the right. You deserve to hear both arguments so you can see where this massive plan for world change is heading. It is not heading anywhere good for the rest of the world or for the United States, sooner or later.

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