2020 Election
The 2020 Presidential Election will be the polar opposite of 2016. In 2020 we see north of 20 Democrats candidates as we saw the same flood of Republican candidates in 2016. Donald Trump 'should' be the 2020 Republican nominee as the incumbent President, but, given the 'never Trumper' crowd in the Republican party, he received three challengers; Mark Sanford, William Weld and Joe Walsh. All three have suspended their campaigns due to poor early primary results. Below is the 2020 Democrat field, as it developed over the last year. Joe Biden is the only remaining active candidate for the Democrat nominations and leaves him as the presumptive 2020 Democrat Presidential nominee. Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign, but will leave his name on the ballot for remaining primaries to try and collect more delegates to help his negotiating power at the Democrat convention. Howard Schultz, a Democrat, announced his candidacy, but had problems with the leftward lean of the Democrat party & they with him. He decided (9/6/19) not to run as an Independent candidate. Others who were competing, but have suspended their campaigns include: Eric Swalwell (7/8/19) , John Hickenlooper (8/22/19), Jay Inslee (8/22/19), Seth Moulton (8/24/19), Kirsten Gillibrand (8/27/19), Bill DeBlasio (9/20/19), Tim Ryan (11/1/19), Beto O'Rourke (11/2/19), Wayne Messam (11/20/19), Steve Bullock (12/2/19), Kamala Harris (12/3/19), Joe Sestak (12/6/19), Julian Castro (1/2/20), Marianne Williamson (1/10/20), Cory Booker (1/13/20), John Delaney (1/31/20), Michael Bennet (2/11/20), Andrew Yang (2/11/20), Deval Patrick (2/12/20), Tom Steyer (2/29/20), Pete Buttigieg (3/1/20), Amy Klobuchar (3/2/20), Michael Bloomberg (3/4/20), Elizabeth Warren (3/5/20), Tulsi Gabbard (3/19/20), Bernie Sanders (4/8/20). Justin Amash becae a late entry into the Presidential field (5/2/20). He dropped out 2 + weeks later. (5/21/20). Candidate Positions "On The Issues" can be found here. Gallup's 2020 Presidential Election Center. Real Clear Politics Election 2020 National Average. 270towin. On July 4, 2020, Kanye West announced he was running for President.

Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do

from The Gray Area:

Jon Ossoff (D) was announced the winner of the second Senate runoff in Georgia today. That balances the Senate - the Democrats 50 and the Republicans 50. But, the tie breaker is the VP, Kamala Harris, which gives the Democrats a 51-50 majority.

The people of Georgia has left the future of America, and by extension the free world, in the hands of Socialist lunatics and mad men & women.

Along with the majority in the House and holding the White House, the Democrats now have total control over the government for a least 2 years, but probably longer. The chances of anyone other than a far left Democrat wining another national race is unlikely in my lifetime.

Along with a cabinet as radical as any in history, the Democrats desire to move this country toward socialism will have no way to be stopped. A conservative majority in the Supreme Court is being threatened with court packing, taking away any legal recourse.

Taxes will be increase. Taxes will be added, VAT, wealth & death. Borders will open. American history will be continue to be re-written. Children in government schools will increasingly be indoctrinated. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom to debate ideas will be criminalized. Freedom of religion will be gradually reduced to the point you cannot worship in any public form or forum. Freedom to defend yourself will be quickly eliminated. Every freedom you hold dear will be taken away from you. What currently passes for governance in the major blue states/cities around America will now become the governance of the country. Declining cities, citizens escaping in droves, but having fewer places to escape to. It will take place quickly, not slowly. They tried slowly with Obama's 1st term. They won't make that mistake again. Election law will be changed so that anyone, from anywhere in the world a can vote, maybe even via computer, making American elections useless. Which will eliminate what holds our political system together.

Was the Georgia Senate runoff stolen, in my estimation yes. Just like the November Presidential election in Georgia and elsewhere was stolen. We may never be able to prove that. And in the meantime, the Nazi's have taken over the country.

Watch and you will live to regret your support for today's Democrat Party.

This is 1931 Germany

Get out if you can, like so many did then. The problem is now, there is no where else to go.

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