Mass Shootings

What's in, and not in, the Senate bi-partisan gun deal?

from The Gray Area:
As is usually the case, the Senate presents a bill less than 2 hours before a vote. This is beyond ridiculous and rules must be presented in Congress for this to stop. On the positive side, its only 80 pages! Anything less than 2,000 pages is a major success. But the target should be less than 10.

The bill focuses on denying guns to those who pose a serious risk, offering money to states for red-flag laws. Which, on the surface, seems like a sensible gun deal. According to The Hill, here are the topics inside the package. Details of each in the link below and here.

  • Enhanced background checks for people 18 to 21
  • Money for red flag laws and other intervention programs
  • Closing the ‘boyfriend loophole‘
  • Children and family mental health services
  • Clarifying the definition of gun dealers
  • Cracking down on straw purchasers and illegal trafficking of firearms
Unfortunately, this deal focuses on, and the media titles it as, a 'gun' deal. That is not how you refer to a bill to stop mass shootings. That's because what is missing in this deal are those things that can have the most immediate impact on mass shootings, hardening of schools and mental health solutions. This bill ignores the first and only throws money at the second. Curious that Congress leaves mental health and red flag laws to states, but implementing national gun laws By the way, will this have any impact on daily & weekly mass shootings throughout our major cities? No.  So, why is this is a good 'gun' deal? Because it successfully creates legislation to move the gun violence narrative forward for more incremental gun laws int he future. We all know, bad guys can find guns, period. If we do not eliminate soft targets, those bad guys will continue to attack the soft targets. More From The Hill:
from The Wall Street Journal,
More From The Wall Street Journal (subscription required):

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