Oval Office Pantomime, we need more!

from The Gray Area:

As stated in the WSJ article below, today's negotiation in the Oval Office with Trump, Pence(no comment), Pelosi & Schumer was a media "melodrama".

A must watch event as far as I'm concerned. Primarily because you never see this type of discussion in real time. You only see what the media wants you to see or the politicians say happened in these sessions. And, of course, we know these are all spin. Therefore, I think this is great and would love to see more.

Interesting, too, that Pelosi talking about congressional transparency wanted the cameras to leave the room for this discussion. Hypocrisy which is every day with today's Democrats.

Immediately after the meeting, Pelosi and Schumer go out to the media to start the spin on what we already saw! But, instead of talking about the issues, they start slamming Trump for 'a temper tantrum', or Pelosi having to the be 'the mom in the room'. And, the media lets them get away with it.

We need more of this type of access. Recognizing some discussions involving secret or security issues need not be public, but others whenever possible. It shines a light on issues and discussions that provides perspective you just don't get from the media anymore.

from The Wall Street Journal,

Shutdown melodrama: Act 1, Scene 1: Pelosi and Schumer enter.

Live theater endures because it is entertaining. If Tuesday’s “meeting” in the Oval Office between President Trump and Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi is what the world of politics has to look forward to next year, they might as well take their act to Broadway. Who could not have been entertained by the spectacle of the U.S. President jousting over responsibility for government shutdowns with the villainous Senate Minority Leader? Whether Mr. Trump was merely following his script or erupted at Mr. Schumer’s goading, the President abruptly took political ownership of shutting down the government next week over funding for his border wall.

“I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck,” the President said, adding with a flourish, “I will take the mantle, I will be the one to shut it down.” A secondary highlight of the show was Mr. Trump saying of Speaker-to-be-Pelosi: “Nancy’s in a situation where it’s not easy for her to talk right now,” and Mrs. Pelosi replying that she didn’t need the President’s characterization of her strength. What was accomplished? Nothing. Let us be clear about the point of this political pantomime. The disagreement among the President, Chuck and Nancy is over how much money is to be included in the government spending bill to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border. The House-passed Republican bill includes $5 billion for the wall, while Mr. Schumer says Senate Democrats won’t go beyond $1.6 billion. Somewhere inside this spat lies the serious issue of U.S. immigration. Mr. Trump has said repeatedly that immigration policy is a broken disgrace, and he is right to say so. The family separations that took place last July in Texas and the recent Central American caravan attempt to bust across the border make that clear. As startling is the fact that a compromise on immigration was at hand this past June that included $23.4 billion for border security, including the wall. That House compromise bill went down to overwhelming defeat beneath the weight of a Republican Party feuding over the details.

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