Media - What it ignores

Hunter Biden and the Media’s Terms of Evasion

from The Wall Street Journal,

Attentive students of the journalistic arts can train themselves to recognize liberal media bias. When a politician breaks the law and the story doesn’t identify his party in the first paragraph, it’s a safe bet the offender is a Democrat. When Republicans “pounce” in the New York Times or the Washington Post, you can be sure the real story is that a Democrat has done something foolish or outrageous. Consider how the big outlets have covered the Hunter Biden tax-investigation saga. The president’s son’s convoluted business dealings have been known for years. Now, Republican-controlled House committees are coughing up juicy details. These pages have covered them. The mainstream press is reporting those details too—if grudgingly—but insists you remember one thing: Important elements of the story remain . . . unclear. This is journalese for, “Nothing to see here, folks!”

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