National Anthem

Leftist protestors outside ESPN offices? LOL. Now that's the height of irony.


There simply aren’t enough ironic illustrations, to adequately express what has happened to ESPN this week. The network that has become a bastion of left-wing media activism, was protested by two different groups of leftists, angry at ESPN for suspending an activist journalist that they should have fired a month ago. On Monday, about six protesters showed-up to ESPN headquarters in Bristol, Connecticut, only hours after SC6 host Jemele Hill was suspended for telling fans angry at Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones, to boycott his advertisers. According to, “Police were called to ESPN about 11:55 p.m. Monday, Lt. Stephen Elliott said. There were about six protesters blocking an ESPN driveway. Police told the protesters that they were on private property, and the protesters left without incident. Connecticut wasn’t the only scene of protest against ESPN. On Tuesday, another protest occurred outside the ESPN executive offices in New York City. Reverend Al Sharpton has demanded a meeting with ESPN to discuss the suspension of Hill. On Tuesday, Sharpton said, “So, what is the basis of the suspension? Is it that ESPN and the NFL is being pressured by the administration when you had a president tweeting about the NFL’s non-profit status?”

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