According to James Wolcott of Vanity Fair, "disillusionment with Obama’s presidency, loathing of Hillary Clinton, disgust with “identity politics,” and a craving for a climactic reckoning that will clear the stage for a bold tomorrow have created a kinship between the “alt-right” and an alt-left. They’re not kissin’ cousins, but they caterwaul some of the same tunes in different keys." The alt-left can’t match that the alt-right for strength, malignancy, or tentacled reach, but its dude-bros and “purity progressives” exert a powerful reality-distortion field online and foster factionalism on the lib-left. Its outlets are many and varied. According to Dan Gainor of FoxNews, we are living in ‘alt-left’ world. The traditional media are obsessed with tying conservatives to the “alt-right.” There have been more than 50 major news network mentions this year alone as journalists try to do what they always do — paint conservatives as racist, sexist, and a few other words that end in 'ist'. All in the name of “tolerance.” But when it comes to the left, there is no alt-left. They are not alternative. Their mainstream is radical and out of the American mainstream on almost everything. This was quite obvious as liberals bemoaned the death of Fidel Castro, a man his own daughter called “a tyrant.” The Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. summed up years of devotion, recalling how, “the oppressed the world over joined Castro’s cause of fighting for freedom & liberation.” This is what we must start thinking of as the “alt-left.” “Alt,” not because they are out of the liberal mainstream. They aren’t. Alternative because they are out of the mainstream of an America where 37 percent are conservative and 35 percent are moderate. Just 24 percent are liberal. The alt-left is everything bad the left claims about the right. It is extreme and doesn’t want compromise. It wants to demonize or destroy opponents and intrude into every aspect of our lives. Media outlets that bemoan Trump turning America to the right forget the alt-left support a Socialist had running in the Democrat primary. Good, old-fashioned liberalism has been replaced by a far-more radical brand.

Pelosi Is Correct

from The Gray Area:

Nancy Pelosi stated on MSNBC yesterday the the GOP were 'enemies of the state'! Obviously this statement got quick rebuke from the GOP but it even stunned the MSNBC interviewer, who responded, "wow".

Actually, Ms. Pelosi is correct. When you consider the 'state' she wants is not America, but a totalitarian state that eliminates free speech, free thought, freedom of association, personal responsibility, debate on the issues and many other freedoms we enjoy. To that 'state', the GOP and many Democrats and Independents, are firm enemies. Now, of course, she would not agree that this is the 'state' she was referring to because she was, and is, just playing hardball politics. She was not trying to accurately explain her or the GOP's position. She was making a soundbite moment on a friendly network to her base. In the MSNBC interview, the context of the conversation she was having was about voting rights, Russian interference and the made up idea of GOP voter suppression. But, even in this context, and including the over the top accusations she was making, without evidence (as the media would say if it were Trump making these points), the statement is not only inaccurate, but embarrassing for her and her party. Free & fair elections are at sever risk by random, inaccurate and insecure mail-in balloting. It has been proven thoughout this year during primaries in state after state, New York, Nevada, Iowa and others. We all care about free & fair elections. Most Democrats, Independents and Republicans would agree, if the media would accurately explain the issue. But, they won't, and therefore, grandstanding, hardball political soundbite moments like this must be the point on which we debate. As with many statements made in this time of extreme political divisions, the opposite is most often true. There are 'enemies of the state, America' among us. The actual 'enemies', are those revolutionaries rioting in the street, destroying our cities and threatening our citizens. Are they supporting Republicans or Democrats? The enemies are also the mayors and in some cases the Governors of those cities and states, who condone such violence and do not protect their citizens from it. Are they Democrats or Republicans? Nancy Pelosi gave direct support to these groups in the same interview when she said, "...let's just get out there, mobilize, organize...". Really? Yes. It is support, because she won't denounce them, is encouraging more, and refers to them as 'peaceful'. Peaceful protest has long ago been taken over by mobs, well funded and well organized. If there is to be voter suppression in November, it will come from revolutionary groups like BLM & Antifa. Vary your news sources so you can 'see' all the information, not just take what is given by the 'censorship' media. When you can 'see' with your own eyes the entire picture, most Democrats, Independents and Republicans agree on the threat to America. The radical left fringe, supported by these paramilitary groups, are the current 'domestic terrorists' and 'enemies of the United States'.

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