Department of Justice

The Rebellion at Justice

from The Wall Street Journal,

Don’t fire Rosentein, but do release the 2016 FBI-Justice documents.

Donald Trump keeps saying that the November election is a referendum on him, so a key part of the Democratic strategy is feeding the narrative of chaos in the White House: Trump-baiting so he’ll overreact. That’s probably the best way to look at the New York Times story on Friday that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein contemplated wearing a wire at the White House and removing the President via the 25th Amendment.

Mr. Trump is so far avoiding the advice that he instantly fire Mr. Rosenstein, and rightly so. The alleged comments were made in spring 2017 and it isn’t clear how much is true. The story is based on an account by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe about a meeting among Justice officials in May 2017. Mr. McCabe was part of the Jim Comey FBI tong that wants to elect a Democratic Congress and impeach Mr. Trump. Mr. Rosenstein says he “never pursued or authorized recording the President and any suggestion that I have ever advocated for the removal of the President is absolutely false.”

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