Around the world, citizens of war torn countries in the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan), Africa (Libya, Sudan), Central & South America and others are fleeing oppression and death to reach freedom and safety. Europe is being overrun with these refugees. This experience is adding greater fuel to the already passionate immigration debate in the US by the needs of these refugees. We must remember that refugees are a portion of the immigration issue. Compassionately, the plight of refugees needs to be prioritized over all other types of immigration. Realistically, the vetting of legitimate refugees is still required, given the violent turmoil in the world, the infiltration of the extremists into the refugee population and that threats directly at the United States.

Border Crisis, but no cages?

from The Gray Area,
During Donald Trump's presidency, all we heard from the left wing activists, Democrat politicians and the media was the 'kids in cages' narrative about the abusive conditions that migrants at the border were being held in, especially children. Though this narrative was later proved to be grossly overstated against Trump, with photos released that were actually taken during the Obama administration and pics of kids 'being forceably pulled from parents arms' were selectively altered for affect, the Biden Administration still continues to push the false narrative of Trump's inhumane cages. They say no matter how difficult the current border situation is, at least we don't hold 'kids in cages'. These same left wing activists, politicians and media do not show the 'cages' built by the Biden administration to handle the expected, and now experienced, invasion of migrants at the southern border. There is another tactic to handle this volume that has been instituted by the Biden Administration. We all know about the late night flights and buses of migrants to cities around the country that is ignored (censored) by the media. And, we now have a study showing how the Biden Administration uses NGO's (non government organizations) as part of their 'open border' system for resettlement of illegals. The Heritage Foundation just completed the Oversight Project Investigation Which Uncovers Mass Resettlement Program for Illegals . The investigation uncovers shocking facts about who’s facilitating Biden's Border Crisis. In a new memo titled, “Tracking Movement of Illegal Aliens from NGOs to Interior of USA”, the Oversight Project unveiled new data showing the massive numbers of illegal aliens who have made their way to NGO facilities physically located along the border and in border states, and subsequently traveled throughout the United States. As part of the Oversight Project’s work to document NGO involvement in the border crisis, the Project launched an investigation which ultimately obtained a sampling of approximately 30,000 unique and anonymized mobile devices that were geofenced to a number of these NGOs along the border (Val Verde Border Humanitarian Center and the Del Rio Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Station; 20 NGO facilities in border states; 13 NGO locations located in close physical proximity to the border; Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, located in San Juan, Texas). These locations were chosen based on human source information, as well as open-source intelligence, that they may be involved in helping illegal aliens travel from the border to various parts of the interior. Device pings were captured throughout the month of January 2022, in four different phases. “The investigation confirmed that a host of NGOs are actively facilitating the Biden border crisis. Overflow from Customs and Border Protection is being transferred to these organizations so that Border Patrol avoids overcrowded facilities. These organizations apply for, and receive, taxpayer money to provide processing and transportation services and infrastructure to facilitate the migration of illegal aliens into the interior of the country.”  As reported on FoxNews earlier this year, NGOs, or non-governmental organizations receiving at least $137 million in federal grants, according to federal budget figures. Grants pay for everything from food, shelter, and transportation to legal services that help the migrants traverse Mexico. "I have been watching the United Nations, UNHCR distribute cash debit cards to migrants. They’re providing food, basic necessities, prescription drugs. They call it movement assistance, which is to say they're providing, transportation money so that migrants can continue moving forward," said Todd Bensman, who recently traveled to the Mexican-Guatemalan border for the Washington DC-based Center for Immigration Studies, a right-leaning think tank. "Do you think they (NGOs) are working at cross purposes to you?" Chris Cabrera, chief of the National Border Patrol Council in South Texas said: "Most definitely". "And they should not be allowed to, but our government allows it. And that’s a problem. This is actually a genius maneuver, but we have to wonder if it is legal and what are the pros & cons. Trump tried an executive order to be able to keep children and parents together, but was thwarted by the courts who said the law says we must separate children when their parents are detained. This Biden process moves migrants immediately from the border to an NGO facility and then quickly disperses them around the country apparently circumventing that law. Does this tactic legally circumvent that law? If so, is it actually a process that is good for the migrants and the citizens of this country? I think reports from the border, getting past media censors, answers that question with a resounding, NO! More From Heritage Foundation: More From FoxNews:

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