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Gray Area
Around the world, citizens of war torn countries in the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan), Africa (Libya, Sudan), Central & South America and others are fleeing oppression and death to reach freedom and safety. Europe is being overrun with these refugees. This experience is adding greater fuel to the already passionate immigration debate in the US by the needs of these refugees. We must remember that refugees are a portion of the immigration issue. Compassionately, the plight of refugees needs to be prioritized over all other types of immigration. Realistically, the vetting of legitimate refugees is still required, given the violent turmoil in the world, the infiltration of the extremists into the refugee population and that threats directly at the United States.

What caused this?

from The Gray Area:
Curious development. All of a sudden the Biden Administration is interested in the southern US border, why? Could it be: - because the Biden administration initiated a new border policy in 2023, CBP One, that was roundly ridiculed? - because Biden made a quick visit to the border in Jan.? - because the Del Rio 'whipping' incident was proven to be a lie!? - because the new Republican House is preparing to pass a border security bill? - to help Secretary Mayorkas against calls for his impeachment? - because they finally realized there is a problem at the border? uh, no. - because northern, non-border, Democrat-run cities like New York & Chicago are calling for help with migrants who have been shipped up from the border? Probably all of the above. But, the last one was more than likely the biggest motivator. Texas & Florida have been shipping migrants north for almost a year to share the burden of the Biden Administration's border policy, or lack thereof, with other parts of the country. At first appearing to be a political stunt it has turned into a real liability for Biden as those cities and states are crying for help as they cannot handle the migrant influx. Just think how south Texas cities and towns feelHere's El Paso now. In one 5 month stretch migrant encounters were the equivalent to the population of Biden's Delaware. Will this troop action be helpful? At first glance it doesn't appear so. - the troops are temporary for three months. - the troops will be responsible for ground-based detection and monitoring, data entry and warehouse support. - the troops aren’t allowed to act as law enforcement, so they can’t directly perform arrests of migrants. - 35,000 migrants are already in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. - news of the expiration of Title 42 on May 11th has spread south of the border with expectation of another significant surge coming to the border. - with the border further overwhelmed, any new set of policies would have no effect. The Biden Administration continues to be a joke in every area, especially the border crisis, and their actions are always and obviously political. This latest action is more of the same, designed to allow the propaganda media to offer support for Biden.

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