Hillary's email scandal
The revelation in March 2015 that Mrs. Clinton used a private email account with messages stored on a private server, rather than an official State Department address, set off a political furor that threatened to overshadow her entry into the presidential race. At the time, Mrs. Clinton promised the emails would be released quickly.

War of the Roses at the FBI

from The Wall Street Journal,

Andrew McCabe and James Comey accuse each other of lying.

Donald Trump has made more than a few headlines by accusing FBI officials of lying. But since the Justice Department’s inspector general faulted Andrew McCabe for a “lack of candor” about a press leak he had authorized, former FBI director James Comey and former deputy director Mr. McCabe have been telling different stories. On Wednesday Mr. Comey backed the IG’s findings on ABC’s “The View,” saying “there are severe consequences in the Justice Department for lying.” Mr. McCabe’s lawyer shot back that he had “documents that prove” that Mr. McCabe “advised Director Comey repeatedly” about his contacts with a reporter that are the basis of the dispute. On Thursday the IG referred its findings on Mr. McCabe for potential prosecution.

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