American Exceptionalism

English in America Is Controversial

from The Rush Limbaugh Show,

Do you believe that it has become, in certain quarters in this country, do you believe that it has become controversial that Donald Trump told Jeb Bush he ought to speak English, that that has now become an example of nativism?

Nativist is an insult. It's what the Wall Street Journal calls those of you who are opposed to open borders. If you are opposed to open borders, if you want the law to be adhered to, you are a nativist. It's not a pretty thing. It's a cut. It is an insult. So now Trump is being called a nativist, and they actually had a number of televised chat sessions on CNN about this, and it became a controversy, that English should be spoken in America. It became a controversy that Trump said Jeb should lead and speak English. Now, Trump had his defenders on CNN, but there are more people condemning Trump for speaking English.

English is the official language of this country. It should be spoken. If anybody is gonna amount to anything in this country, they have to learn English. It is the language of our country. But now it is becoming controversial to say that. It's braggadocios, it's nativist, it's xenophobic to say that. Now, every day, folks, there are things that happen in our country that make us pause and, "Gee, man, we're losing our culture."

The Washington Post reacted to Trump. They said: "With that, Trump may have sparked yet another debate about whether or not to make English the official language of the United States. ...

Really? Suggesting that English is the official language of this country is tantamount to destroying the Republican Party? Having the audacity to say that? Maybe even worse, having the audacity to believe that English is the official language of this country, that can destroy the Republican Party?

And then here's another quote. This is editorial page editor, Fred Hiatt, at the Washington Post.

Fred Hiatt here is saying, yeah, in Russia nobody is a Russian first. They're an Armenian first or whatever else first, and then they're Russian. And then he said, "That is the kind of thinking that Donald Trump, and the Republican presidential candidates who are pathetically jumping on his nativist bandwagon, would bring to this country." Are you kidding? It's already here, Mr. Hiatt. Where in the world are you paying attention? It's even worse. We now have Afro-Americans for I don't know how long, then African-Americans. We have Uglo-Americans. We've had female Americans. We genderize people before we give their ethnicity. This country has been in the process of Balkanization for years. What do you mean, bring it to this country? Trump is gonna bring this kind of Balkanization? It's already here. This guy's exactly opposite. Trump and other people who think like he does are standing up in opposition to this kind of Balkanization. We're Americans and then whatever else second. And if you review immigration in this country, let's go back to the Ellis Island days of immigration. When Western Europe was sending all kinds of refugees here. They were coming from Poland, they were coming from Italy, they were coming from Ireland, all over the place. And they came here to be Americans. They came here to be Americans first. They did maintain their individual ethnicities. They set up neighborhoods. The Irish lived in certain places and did certain jobs. The Italians in New York had certain neighborhoods, did certain jobs.

ut they came here to be Americans first. They didn't come here to be Italian Americans. They didn't come here to be Irish Americans. They came here to be Americans. They came here, they wanted to become Americans, they did, they assimilated. And that became the primary thing they were proud of. That's what they wanted. That's not what's happening now. What's happening now is the exact opposite. There is no assimilation. There is no melding or melting pot, if you will. There is a purposeful Balkanization going on brought to you by the modern-day Democrat Party and specifically Barack Hussein O. We have Mexican-Americans. We have Hispanic-Americans. We have gay Americans. We have LGBT Americans. We have Muslim Americans. Americans is always second. The ethnicity is always number one. And the modern day Democrat Party wants it that way because they think America needs to be punished, because we've been too big for our britches. We've been too big. We've been too powerful and we acquired our power in ill-gotten ways. We stole it. We stole the resources from other people and other countries. It's absurd and obscene, and this Balkanization that's happening in this country right now, they support it. It's one of the ways you rip apart the fabric of this country, by diluting what it is to be an American, by making an American seem less in importance than anything else about you.

The fact that speaking English in your own country and standing up for that is fighting words? It's incredible.

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