Executive Orders
If you have no memory, President Obama's SOTU address could sound like a nice centrist message
from The Gray Area: 2/12/13.

In an uninspired State of the Union address, one that could not even spark partisan enthusiasm among the audience, President Obama laid out a wish list of programs that would "not add a dime to the deficit" and on which he is willing to work with Republicans to deliver. For almost exactly 1 hour, the President outlined at least 23 programs he considered 'priorities', hitting all the major topics and inserting a couple of new "forward thinking" investment topics. And while claiming "government can't solve all our problems" he contradictorily laid out government solution after government solution to those same problems.

On a positive note, missing was the President's usual first person speech. Last night, he only used “I” a couple of times when referring to executive orders he would issue if nothing else is done on items like cyber-security and climate change. The conciliatory tone toward Republican's was accomplished with statements like "we must put the nation's interests before party" and with a subtler blame game. Colleges were the only group blamed outright for the cost of higher education, while partisan Republicans, corporate profits, and oil companies were only alluded to for blame.

So, if you just woke from a 4 year sleep last night, this political slight of hand could all sound very reassuring to you. But, if you have been awake for the past 4 years, and possess a memory, it all sounded like more of the same, covered in an all too familiar narrative, falsely attacking motives of those who don't share the President's solutions with a tone of non-partisan holiness added. To the sleepy partisan or wishful independent this could also be a feel good experience. However, to the Conservative right believability was zero and to the President's radical left base, after what they like to believe was an electoral mandate, this tone is concerning. Unfortunately, this will all change to ideological politics as usual with the next debate over each policy issue, but the sleepy will miss it.

Comments like these defy factual support and thus believability of the President's message.

• "an overwhelming majority have come together on gun control". Rasmusen Daily Poll results would offer a counter to this claim.

• "as long as I am Commander in chief I will protect Americans". The embarrassing lack of support for American embassy personnel in Benghazi, lying to the American people and the lack of aggressive pursuit and capture the perpetrators negate this claim.

• 6 million new jobs are purposely misleading, only starting his count in 2010 and leaving out some negative numbers he doesn't like.

• the economy is growing is an outright falsehood. Our GDP actually shrunk in the 4Q 2012 for the first time.

• increasing minimum wage to $9/hr is good for the economy and jobs is another falsehood.

• the President says he believes in stronger border security, even after telling the bipartisan group who just came up with an immigration plan that if they require secure borders he bill would be dead on arrival.

a balanced approach to the budget/debt issue is what is needed when he has consistently requires tax increases now and very little budget cutting 10 years out.

"nothing proposed tonight will add a dime to the deficit". The President has been saying that same line over and over since 2009. He has added 58.6 trillion dimes to the deficit since then.

• taking credit for American energy when he closed offshore drilling, denied the Keystone pipeline and continues to try to close down North Dakota drilling for environmental reasons and now says he wants to invest more in American energy is the height of duplicity.

• taking credit for lowest interest rates in 50 years when they are being artificially kept low to keep the economy from inflation and possible a depression.

• wants more home loans approved after the housing bubble that put us here came from those same government policies the last 20 years.

In explaining each of these issues, President Obama clearly revealed his true intentions and feelings about the country. It is a message he cannot escape no matter how he tries to hide it. Every story is about how the American people don't have chance to get ahead. Every American is some kind of victim that must be helped. From, big concept issues like climate change to every day issues like minimum wage, each of the 23 issues came with a sad example and government giveaway package to level the playing field. There were no inspirational stories, only stories of how we individually deserve more, specifically from the rich.

If you watched the Republican response by Sen Marco Rubio, and weren't insulted by his drink of water, you saw the first thing out of his mouth was "America is unique --- exceptional in world history" --- "with opportunity bestowed not by government, but by free enterprise". Believable when said by an Hispanic Republican whose immigrant family pulled themselves out of poverty.

It is sad, but at the same time hopeful, that clear differences exist over the objectives for this country and solutions to our problems. Taking an honest stand is what the people want, not covering up with rhetoric positions which are known to be unpopular in America and have proven to fail wherever they have been tried. So stay awake and you will hear all this rhetoric again and again and eventually you will be able to discern truth from fiction and ideology from clear solutions with the best interests of the American people coming first.

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