“Surely, we can all agree ... we need clean air and water"

from The Gray Area:

As the left refers to him, longtime climate denier and House Science, Space, and Technology Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), made the following statement, “Surely, we can all agree on two things. First, we need clean air and water. And second, EPA’s regulations should be supported by legitimate and publicly available scientific data.” Can anyone actually disagree with that? Apparently the left, in a unified political stand against transparency, can.

EPA Administrator Greg Pruitt proposed a rule on Tuesday that ... the EPA will no longer be able to rely on scientific research that is underpinned by confidential medical and industry data. The measure was billed by EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt as a way to boost transparency for the benefit of the industries his agency regulates.

Has transparency turned into a bad thing? The left somehow thinks that science can not be trusted in the light of day. That the political opinions of the current administration are bad, who want scientific transparency, and the political maneuverings of the previous administration, who did not care if more regulations were created, were somehow pure. As such, the attacks by the left on transparency in science used by the EPA is a purely partisan, hypocritical, political effort.

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