Government Shutdown
There is a need to pass a bill extending routine government funding after a stopgap bill expires March 27. Without an extension, a partial government shutdown would occur. Congress must pass this spending bill, called a continuing resolution or “CR,” which would continue spending after Sept. 30, 2013, the end of the 2013 fiscal year. As it stands now, the government’s legal authority to borrow more money runs out in mid-October, 2013. According to the Bipartisan Policy Center, if that date arrived on October 18, the Treasury “would be about $106 billion short of paying all bills owed between October 18 and November 15. The congressionally mandated limit on federal borrowing is currently set at $16.7 trillion. The debt limit has been raised 13 times since 2001 and has grown from about 55 percent of Gross Domestic Product in 2001 to 102 percent of GDP last year.

The Government is Funded through Dec. 16

from The Gray Area:

On Friday, Congress passed a continuing resolution (CR) to maintain current levels of federal funding through December 16. As a result, Congress must now pass a spending bill before that December deadline to prevent the government from shutting down. With elections fast approaching in November, this spending bill will be presented after the midterm elections, but before the new Congress takes office. This “lame-duck” legislating (legislating after elections but before the newly elected take office) has historically ended in absurd spending bills that do not reflect the will of the people. When that December deadline arrives, Congress should NOT pass an omnibus spending bill. An omnibus would allow Democrats to lock in Biden’s failed inflation agenda & spending through 2023. It would be better to pass another short CR until January, when the new Congress is sworn-in. The Congressmen elected by voters in November should be the ones to set the agenda for 2023. For a deeper dive, read the latest from Heritage Action on government funding.

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