Polling is an integral part of any election season. As such, we want to display those polls and poll results that are relevant to our readers: Gallup; Pew Research; Rasmussen; Real Clear Politics; networks (NBC/WSJ, CBS, ABC, CNN, Fox) and others as relevant.

Swing voters are fine with the Trump charges. That’s a warning to the GOP.

from The Washington Post,

Here are some truly frightening poll numbers: According to CNN, only 37 percent of Americans think that Donald Trump broke the law with his alleged hush money payments to adult-film star Stormy Daniels, while 76 percent think that politics played a role in the decision to bring charges against him. Yet a 60 percent majority approves of his indictment. Make sense of the news fast with our daily newsletter Among independents, the numbers are even more stark: Only 31 percent say Trump’s actions were illegal, and 76 percent believe politics played a role in the decision to prosecute him in New York. Yet 62 percent approve of it. Think of what that means: These Americans, including a clear majority of the independent voters who will likely choose the next president, believe that Trump committed no crime, and that the justice system is being weaponized against him — and they are perfectly fine with it. Even if you hate Trump, that is terrifying.

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