Republican lost the House in 2018 due to reactions to Donald Trump and the overhanging Mueller Russia investigation. In 2020 Republicans lost the Presidency to Joe Biden in a hotly disputed election result fraught with voter fraud allegations. After a runoff of 2 seats in Georgia in January, 2021, Republicans lost the Senate (50-50). With the Presidency and both houses of Congress now lost, concerns over the integrity of our elections, and Democrats threatening to change election laws, abolish the Electoral College and pack the Supreme Court, Republicans fear for the future of the country that they will never win another election. The previous decade, Republicans won the House in 2010 mid-term election, retaining the House in 2012 and claiming the Senate in the 2014 mid-terms. The Republicans continued their climb back to power in 2016 by retaining the House and Senate and adding the Presidency as Donald Trump won a resounding electoral college victory claiming 30 states. Though he lost the popular vote, President Trump moved into 2017 with a populist victory, a conservative agenda and control of the Congress to roll back President Obama's liberal policies.

‘Democracy’ by and for the Elites

from The Wall Street Journal,

The word, endlessly repeated, is "democracy." But the meaning is precisely the opposite.

The word “democracy” no longer indicates much about popular rule. The word now merely refers to a hypothetical goal that gives those who invoke its holy name a mandate to do just about anything—even the opposite of what the people desire.

America is still breathing the musket fumes of 1776, and words that play to the imagination of America’s founding—“freedom,” “democracy,” “free speech”—are sources of enormous power for the apparatchiks warring, pillaging and censoring on behalf of those values. These abstract words help to maintain the facade of self-government.

“War is peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength” from Orwell’s “1984” comes to mind, but there is a long tradition in the West of this paradoxical interpretation of democracy. Many of the most vocal champions of democracy, from Thomas Jefferson to our own day, have been advocates of this Rousseauean inversion, using the word “democracy” as justification for what would otherwise be naked authoritarianism. Alexis de Tocqueville predicted that eventually an “immense and tutelary power” would replace genuine popular rule in America. The people would accept their tutelage, he says, because of their belief that they “themselves hold the end of the chain.” The soft despots today will undoubtedly continue to use the democratic lexicon even as they transform the fiber of the republic. What better way to pre-empt the opposition than simply to declare it “a threat to our democracy”?

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