Susan Rice has some explaining to do ...

from The Washington Post,

Susan E. Rice reportedly sought to unmask the identities of Americans connected with President Trump's campaign and transition who were mentioned in foreign surveillance intelligence reports. And with that news, which was first reported Sunday by conservative social-media agitator Mike Cernovich and confirmed Monday by Bloomberg's Eli Lake, Washington spawned a huge game of Choose Your Own Adventure. Conservatives — even some who have been skeptical of Trump's claim that the Obama administration surveilled him — saw it as highly suspicious. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) called it a “smoking gun,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) labeled Rice “Typhoid Mary,” and the Wall Street Journal's editorial board issued a blistering op-ed on Tuesday morning: All this is highly unusual — and troubling. Unmasking does occur, but it is typically done by intelligence or law-enforcement officials engaged in anti-terror or espionage investigations. Ms. Rice would have had no obvious need to unmask Trump campaign officials other than political curiosity. The New York Times, meanwhile, is out with an analysis piece that pretty much takes the polar opposite view — that it's much ado about nothing, even a deliberate distraction from the White House: Former national security officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, described the requests as normal and said they were justified by the need for the president’s top security adviser to understand the context of reports sent to her by the nation’s intelligence agencies. Here's what we can say about the Rice situation at this point. There is precisely zero evidence that Rice used this information — assuming the reports are true — for anything other than her own official purposes or did anything unholy.

But at the same time, Rice's own comments about this matter do lead to some legitimate questions. During an appearance on PBS's “NewsHour” two weeks ago, Rice was asked about the announcement by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) that Trump and his associates had been swept up in incidental surveillance that wasn't aimed at them. Here was Rice's response: “I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today.”

If Rice had indeed unmasked Trump associates' identities in these foreign surveillance reports, that response wouldn't quite make sense.

Rice, of course, is no stranger to making public comments that later prove to be a liability. More than Hillary Clinton's remarks, it was Rice's post-Benghazi comments that gave the Obama administration major headaches, given that Rice said the attack appeared to result from spontaneous protests due to an anti-Islam video.

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