Foreign Trade

Apple CEO Tim Cook and President Trump toured a Texas computer factory to tout US manufacturing

from CNBC,

Apple CEO Tim Cook and President Trump toured a manufacturing plant in Austin, Texas.The tour was a public symbol of Trump’s close relationship with Cook, and also provided an opportunity for the president to showcase a leading American company that’s manufacturing in the U.S. as Trump struggles to put into place the first piece of a U.S.-China trade agreement. The two have a warm relationship, but Trump wants Apple to assemble its computers in the U.S.The relationship between the two men has been cultivated over the past few years through dinners, meetings and Cook’s membership on key presidential advisory councils.

“When you build in the United States you don’t have to worry about tariffs,” Trump said on Wednesday

The Mac Pro is “an example of American design, American manufacturing, and American ingenuity,” Cook said. In June, Apple announced a new Mac Pro design. The company didn’t specify where it would be manufactured, but the Wall Street Journal reported that it would be assembled in China. Earlier this year, Apple applied for tariff exclusions for 15 parts needed to assemble the computer. When 10 out of the 15 exclusions were granted in September, Apple said it planned to manufacture the Mac Pro in the same facility in Texas that was used for the previous model. The Mac Pro computer will go on sale in December

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