
Pentagon to Move Nearly 12,000 U.S. Troops From Germany

from The Wall Street Journal,

Military also plans to relocate its major European headquarters to Belgium and send F-16 fighters to Italy, in an overhaul that some say could hamper deterrence against Russia.

The U.S. military plans to move nearly 12,000 troops from Germany, relocate its major European headquarters to Belgium and send F-16 fighters to Italy...

In ordering the move last month, Mr. Trump said that it was intended to punish Germany, which he asserted had not spent enough on defense.

The plan, Mr. Esper asserted, will cut U.S. personnel in Germany to 24,000 from the current level of 36,000 “in a manner that will strengthen” the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and “enhance the deterrence of Russia.”

The U.S. military and allies were caught by surprise by Mr. Trump’s troop withdrawal decision, which was encouraged by Richard Grenell, the former U.S. ambassador to Germany.

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