
Black Women Voters Emerge as Top Target in 2020 Democratic Race

from The Wall Street Journal,

Kamala Harris banks on success with group as she makes first campaign stops in pivotal South Carolina

California Sen. Kamala Harris’s first swing through this early-voting state Friday will highlight a constituency that will be essential to her prospects and other contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020: black women. Her visit will also draw attention to the potentially historic nature of her candidacy. If she wins her party’s nomination and defeats President Trump, she would become the nation’s first woman president and its second of African descent. She is also half Indian, which would make her the first president of Asian descent. South Carolina is the fourth state on the primary calendar and the second where the Democratic base is largely made up of nonwhite voters. In the state’s 2016 Democratic primary, nonwhite voters outnumbered whites nearly 2 to 1 thanks in large part to black voters.

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