War on Religion
If you doubt there is a War on Religion, consider this. Every day in America we hear of high school cheerleaders who can't use religious words like faith, Jesus Christ, hope and love on banners; valedictorians at high schools are told not to include religious messages or risk punishment; proselytizing in the military is grounds for a courts martial; desecrating war memorials with crosses because they are religious symbols; HS football players cannot put memorial crosses on their helmets; and on and on and on. Tell me that this action by the Chinese government is not the same thing that is happening here! "Chinese police reportedly surrounded the town of Donglu on Sunday to prevent its residents, the majority of whom are Catholic, from holding a procession in honor of the Virgin Mary." Religious prejudice and intolerance is growing in Europe often under the guise of tolerance. It is exactly the same thing that is happening here. It makes the War on Religion seem like such an insufficient label for what must really be going on, a totalitarian fear and censorship of religious activity throughout the world, including America. Religion and Public Life in America makes the case that "today's secular culture views orthodox Christian churches as troublesome, retrograde, and reactionary forces. They’re seen as anti-science, anti-gay, and anti-women—which is to say anti-progress as the Left defines progress. Not surprisingly, then, the Left believes society will be best served if Christians are limited in their influence on public life. And there won’t just be arguments; there will be laws as well." Wake up America and demand the return of Religious Freedom in America. The country was built on the principle. The 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America grants freedom of worship, speech & press; the right to petition the government & to assemble peaceably. Specifically with regard to "religion" it states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Many on the left have tried for at least 50 years to re-write history with regard to "separation of church and state" and to downgrade the religious beliefs of the founding fathers. This quote should satisfy both questions: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports ... and let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." George Washington, Farewell Speech, 9/17/1796 (from "Being George Washington"). See the dialogue from both sides below.

Evolution of a political narrative and no contact with reality

from The Gray Area:
Christian Nationalism is one of the newest and hottest political narratives in the United States right now. It has been purposely slow developing, but has now caught fire in time for the 2024 election. If you Google the phrase you will get page after page of articles and commentary on Christian Nationalism. Wikipedia defines Christian nationalism as a type of religious nationalism that is affiliated with Christianity. In countries with a state church, Christian nationalists seek to preserve the status of a Christian state by holding an antidisestablishmentarianism position to perpetuate the church in national politics. By the way, none of that is remotely accurate, but goes to the nature of Wikipedia as a left leaning information source. There is no 'nationalism affiliated with Christianity'.  This is just a label assigned by opposition to Christians and Donald Trump. Wikipedia, further states, Christian nationalism supports the presence of Christian symbols in the public Square, and state patron patronage for the practice and display of religion, such as Christmas as a national holiday, school prayer, the exhibition of nativity scene during Christmas time, and the Christian cross on Good Friday. Christian nationalism draws political support from the broader Christian right, but not exclusively, given the broad support for observing Christmas as a national holiday in many countries. Now, just reading that is almost frightening. What you’re reading is the first 200+ years of this country, that apparently some radical progressives are against. But, reading the tone of this definition statement in Wikipedia, you get the impression that these are considered radical concepts, like Christmas as a holiday  and a nativity scene. Ignoring the fact that they were a natural part of the season for 248 years.This is actually lunacy, wrapped up in a brilliant, devilish, political strategy. Wikipedia, and other political and media types, take the rise of Christian Nationalism back to the COVID-19 pandemic where it evolved out of anti-lockdown protest and sentiment (something else the progressives hated). Not surprisingly, the media want you to believe that Christian Nationalism has its global leadership in Russia.   The movement in Russia is a neo-Nazi, Christian, nationalist group. OK, now you see the tangle political web associated with this narrative. Its got everything, but wait, there's more. The Nationalism political narrative falls on the right of the political spectrum beside Fascism and Nazism. Already narratives used against trump and his supporters.  Not to mention the Jan 6th rioters (insurrectionists to you progressives and media). The media and progressive Democrats in this country are trying to portray that as a growing radical element on the right that is to be feared. That is a gross overstatement at a minimum and completely false on point. Neo-Nazi groups in the United States are so small as to be insignificant. They couldn't generate a shadow on a sunny day. Plus no one on the right supports nationalist Nazi  & Fascist type regimes no matter what the left professes. It is just another false narrative they want you to have to defend.  If you look at the kinds of things that Nazis do such as their political opposition, and indoctrinating children in school, implementing media propaganda, etc., etc., those activities are rampant on the left in this country as they pursue their Marxist ideology (on the left side of the graphic above). If you look at a political spectrum diagram, you will see that Marxism, Communism, Nazism & Fascism all come together in the area where 'government controls the people'. No American on the right would support any political ideology below that line that divides 'government controls the people' or 'people control the government'. As you may remember from your history lessons Adolf Hitler despised communists. And, as a result, many Communists had to leave Germany in the 1930s. Some of them ended up in the United States. And Hitler made his ill-fated attempt to invade Russia to destroy the communist threat from Russia, which ended in failure, and probably cost him the war. There are several nationalist organizations and political parties around the world. They may have stronger support or less support than any nationalist movement in the United States. But, in any case, this is a political narrative that has evolved out of nationalism as a political spectrum on the right, and Christian has been added to it almost as a double whammy for political messaging. The message is to 'be afraid of nationalists, because they are neo-Nazis. Be afraid of Christians', uh, because they’re Christians, I guess.  in reality, Christians and Nazis don’t get along any better than Communists and Nazis, so the whole things crazy. Nationalism, in and of itself, is supposedly a 'devotion to a culture of a particular nation state'. 'They believe that nations will benefit from acting independently, rather than collectively, and emphasizing national rather than international goals.' You see why the media and the Democrats are genning up this narrative. It’ll be used, or is being used, against Donald Trump‘s campaign because of its 'America First' strategy. It’s very easy to see how the line between a nationalist movement and a desire of free people the maintain their free autonomy for their benefit can be easily and purposely blurred. That is by design. The United States is the definition of nationalism, national sovereignty, self governance and freedom. But, TIME Magazine jumped in saying Christian Nationalism is dangerous for 3 reasons. It includes several cultural assumptions including:
  • Strict moral traditionalism focused on sustaining social hierarchies.
  • Comfort with authoritarian control—exercised by the “right” people—that includes the threat and use of violence.
  • A desire for strict ethno-racial boundaries around who is a “true” American, where non-white and non-natural born citizens are viewed as unworthy of full participation in American civic life. (This is why many label it white Christian nationalism)
Now they added 'white' people.  This will become a greater catchall political narrative than 'climate change'. One writing about nationalism talked about its heritage coming from the French Revolution. If you know your history, you understand that the French Revolution was a failed freedom movement, modelled after the American Revolution, executed poorly and ended up in bloodshed, chaos, and tyranny.   The French Revolution failed, the American Revolution succeeded. The reason the French Revolution failed is because it was built on contempt for members of the French society and it’s leaders. Contempt leads to nowhere but destruction. If Nationalism actually evolved from the French Revolution then its implementation is also doomed to failure. The American Revolution didn’t give rise to this kind of contempt, and the people would not accept it now anymore than they would have in 1776. The Politico article is specifically tying the ideology to the Trump campaign and the Heritage Foundation's 2025 project. Any religious group associated with Trump will now be called Christian Nationalists to further the cloudy label and negative connotation.  The Politico writers said 'Christian Nationalists in America believe that the country was founded as a Christian nation and that Christian values should be prioritized throughout government and public life. " Everybody in the country knows that statement to be true. Read the founding fathers writings and it is clear. Religion, not necessary Christianity (they were mostly deist), was and is a necessary and critical element to holding this country together. Those who do not want such unity will use this type of political narrative to attack what they perceive to be multiple enemies at once (all religious, especially Christians (whom the FBI calls domestic terrorists), patriotism, god & country, He Gets Us ads, American Exceptionalism, America's founding, white people, Trump, MAGA, America First, counter 'woke ideology' attacks from the right, and you can keep going). "If you defend traditional marriage, unborn human life, national sovereignty, the immutability of the sexes, the importance of virtue in self-government, the risks of oral contraception, or the divine origins of life and liberty" — Politico attacks all of these — you’re a “Christian nationalist.” Broad enough coverage for that narrative? Further, Christians and Americans  who "make clear reference to human rights being defined by God, not man. America should be recognized as a Christian nation “where our rights and duties are understood to come from God, The Politico authors should have read The Declaration of Independence on that point. We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness - that to secure these Rights governments are instituted ..." This is a scare tactic political narrative, designed to distract and confuse you during election time. It is made up for these purposes out of whole cloth like the Russia collusion narrative was in 2016 and will be played, ad nauseum, for years to come. Whatever the left can do to stop Trump and the 2025 Project they will do.  The 2025 Project is working as a presidential transition advisory and support team for the next Republican president. They hope to remove and replace the deep state bureaucrats which were instrumental in delaying and destroying implementation of objectives of the first Trump administration and were active in the first Trump impeachment. The narrative is to be ignored. It is simply a political slur. If it comes up, respond with a laugh, a psycho-babble reference, and that the real threat to our democracy is the cultural Marxism on the left. More From The Federalist: More From Politico:

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