Dem Protestors
The 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America grants freedom of worship, speech & press, the right to petition the government & to assemble peaceably. Specifically with regard to "peaceably assemble" it states: Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, ... or the right of the people to peaceable assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Incredibly important part of the Bill of Rights and our freedom. But, a key word in this amendment is one that we have let get away from us in the past 50 years is "peaceably". George Washington had to put down the "Whiskey Rebellion" in the first 2 years of his first term which served to secure the issue of a "peaceable" redress of grievances. For us today, relaxing of this principle "peaceful assembly" started with union strikes and activism in the 1930s and came to be part of our culture during the extensive protests of the 1960s. We need to re-establish this principle in our culture. Anytime you are part of a protest you should expect that if it turns from peaceful to disrupting commerce, disturbing the peace or violence, you and your associates may be arrested and that it may not be a pleasant experience. To let the protests we see today continue like OWS and the union gangs in Wisconsin is to invite insurrection. And, then to have them be celebrated by everyone from media and entertainment personalities, to politicians, to the President, we might as well send an engraved invitation to the revolution. Recognizing the groups of "professional protestors" that exist today around the world it is even more important to make sure that our citizens have the right to be heard without the noise and violence of the professional "agitator" who is out to further their own agenda, not the best interest of America. The same can be said about the political partisanship described under 2012/2014 Elections which serves to enable such behavior.

Insurrection? Or, Crybaby Tantrums?

from The Gray Area:
Just a few recent, radical actions by the progressive left that make you wonder is this an insurrection? These all sound familiar don't they. After the Trump election in 2016. After the Gore - Bush election in 2000. After the George Floyd murder in 2020 (oh, sorry, justified protest). After any event the left does not like, they hit the street, initiated by their Democrat leaders and media cohorts. ShutdownDC says it wants these radicals to 'organize' for 'transformative change', to 'Shut Down SCOTUS'. and 'defend democracy'.  We watch while they gaslight what we see happening with out own eyes. Crybaby tantrums won’t win over the public. These nonstop, puerile meltdowns have turned off most Americans who tire of whiny narcissistic hypocrites. More From Daily Signal:

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