Medicare is a national social insurance program, administered by the U.S. federal government, that guarantees access to health insurance for Americans ages 65 and older and younger people with disabilities as well as people with end stage renal disease. Medicare offers all enrollees a defined benefit. Hospital care is covered under Part A and outpatient medical services are covered under Part B. Medicare Part D covers outpatient prescription drugs. According to the 2012 Medicare Annual Report, the Trustees project that Medicare costs will grow substantially until Trust fund exhaustion occurs in 2024. This model is obviously in need of urgent repair.

What Makes Entitlement Reform Possible.

from Goodman Institute,

More From Goodman InstituteI don’t believe entitlement reform is possible unless there are BENEFITS FOR THE CURRENT GENERATION OF RETIREES as part of the reform. Otherwise, the opponents will demagogue us to death with senior voters. The Washington Times asked me to summarize what some of these benefits might be. Turns out, there are huge opportunities to improve these programs with very little or no cost to the taxpayers. Here is my latest editorial on What Makes Entitlement Reform Possible.:

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