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Culture War
Many from both the right and the left bemoan the state of the American culture today. Whether it is the lack of positive images in TV, movies, music, politicians, sports figures, police in schools and more, freedom and morality are discussed as being in conflict with each other. Benjamin Franklin once wrote on the subject: "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need for masters." This should ring true to you today as we debate not only our eroding culture, but the role of government in our lives. Are culture and the need for more government control more connected than we realize?

Dr. Ben Carson: There Is a War on the American Family

from EPOCH Times,

If you grow up in a traditionally nuclear family you are statistically you are set for success. There is no debate about this. The problem is what we do about this. Do we denigrate family or do we make it acceptable and preferable. KGB defector who talked about the Soviet strategy to demoralize America - How to foster a society that doesn’t believe in itself - The 45 goals of communism in America 1963 o Infiltrate public schools & teachers unions to indoctrinate children o Infiltrate media and Hollywood to manipulate the population o Drive wedges between parents and children o Denigrate the status of the family o Make sexual perversion normal, natural and healthy As a result we are declining rather rapidly The DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] philosophy that has invaded some of the medical schools is of some concern. One of the medical schools in California who adopted DEI policies early on has a situation where a large number of their people are unable to pass the national medical board exams. Is that the person that you want to operate on you or your child? There is a certain body of knowledge that is absolutely critical to do the job appropriately. You don’t want an airline pilot who knows 90 percent of what needs to be done. In American history, there was a viewpoint that black Americans were not cut out for certain things. Obviously, you prove that to be just the opposite. Dr. Carson: Yes. There was a time when people didn’t believe that a black person could be a nuclear physicist or an airplane pilot. Obviously, no one believes that anymore. There had to be a time when that door was busted down because it wasn’t going to be opened voluntarily. But that was decades ago and what needed to be proven has been proven. The only people who think that way now are Neanderthals, and there aren’t a whole lot of them left around, so that takes care of itself. Look at the progress that has been made just in my lifetime. I remember when I was six-years-old going down to Tennessee and there were all these white-only and colored-only signs. People were explaining what that meant and why you needed to pay attention. In that same lifetime, you have black generals and admirals and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and heads of foundations and university presidents. We’ve had a black president of the United States. To say that it’s the same and hasn’t changed is craziness. We have made enormous progress and continue to make progress to this very day. here is the bigger picture that I talk about in the book. The United States of America stands in the way of worldwide Marxism. We can’t be overcome militarily. Therefore, they need to destroy us from within. That’s why all this effort is focused on the essential element of our foundation, the family. If you destroy that, you destroy the passing on of values. When you don’t have values passed on, you get what we’re seeing on some of these college campuses. They don’t know their own history which gives you your identity upon which your beliefs are based. If you don’t know those things, you’re like a leaf blowing in the wind. Whatever the social breeze is that’s coming along, you get caught up in it and have no idea what you’re talking about. These students have no idea that Hamas, who they’re advocating for, would sooner cut their head off than turn the light on. people still gravitate to the family unit very much in China. Dr. Carson: The family is where you derive your identity. We’ve already had the example of the breakup of the black family and you see the violence that has ensued. The murder rates in our inner cities are so high. People don’t respect other people’s lives. A lot of that has to do with the missing fathers. Now, that has spread to the rest of our society as well. Mr. Jekielek: Was the black family particularly susceptible or was it targeted? How did that happen? Dr. Carson: The black family did very well throughout slavery and the Jim Crow era. The family worked together at that point. Then along came Lyndon Johnson and the War on Poverty and policies that did not foster family development. If you were getting aid for living expenses and you got a raise, your rent went up. If you brought someone into the home who had another income, your rent went up. There were other things that pushed the man out of the family. The more babies you had out of wedlock, the more money you got. There were these crazy policies. Mr. Jekielek: Clearly, they weren’t designed to work like that. Dr. Carson: I don’t know and I wonder. Lyndon Johnson was caught on tape saying, “If we give these black people these things, we'll have their vote for the next 200 years.” It was all politically driven. It wasn’t because they were compassionate individuals. But the bottom line is that it caused dysfunctional families to develop where there had been very strong families before. You can see the result of that. Now, that same phenomenon has spread to the rest of our society. We’re seeing a very rapid disintegration of traditional nuclear families and a concomitant decline in our nation. Mr. Jekielek: But the bigger challenge is, how do you make a society work? Dr. Carson: You have to have the rule of law. If your diverse culture does not fit into the rule of law of the society, then it has to go. Because you can’t accommodate things that are at opposite ends of spectrums. Some of the Sharia laws, particularly the way that they treat women, are not compatible with our laws and our culture. We should not change our culture and laws in order to accommodate that. If that’s what you believe, then you should go somewhere where they believe that. Mr. Jekielek: It’s one thing if you believe in something, but it’s another thing if you’re demanding that others accept it. Those are two different things. Dr. Carson: You hit on one of the key things that is going on in our society today. That is, there are those who want to take what is abnormal and make everybody else conform to that as if it’s normal. I believe that God loves everybody. But I don’t believe that it was intended that men have sex with men, and that women have sex with women. For those who want to do that, they’re welcome to do it. But to say, “This is the norm, and everybody should conform to it,” does not make any sense. Mr. Jekielek: The crux of all this is figuring out where we affect each other as human beings. I’m imposing a little bit on you and you’re imposing a little bit on me, potentially. I could impose on you greatly, and then really infringe upon you. The system that the American founders created makes sense of all of this. Dr. Carson: But where do you initially learn to be reasonable about that? In your family. That’s where you learn that there are other people. There are other opinions. People have property and you learn how to respect it. All those things come through family.

Watch the interview on EPOCH Times:

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