Culture War
Many from both the right and the left bemoan the state of the American culture today. Whether it is the lack of positive images in TV, movies, music, politicians, sports figures, police in schools and more, freedom and morality are discussed as being in conflict with each other. Benjamin Franklin once wrote on the subject: "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need for masters." This should ring true to you today as we debate not only our eroding culture, but the role of government in our lives. Are culture and the need for more government control more connected than we realize?

Realize what's been happening & go from confused and miserable, to fulfilled & happy

from The Gray Area:

This is an extremely enlightening interview! It covers, marriage & the family, religion, classic liberalism, progressive liberalism, conservatism, woke cultural Marxism, neo-Marxism, and more. It cuts through the political narratives of our day on all of this and brings it back to a central & refreshing theme.

If you have an hour, listen to this. If you don't, find one! Do it when you exercise, on a walk, driving to work, but do it whenever you can find an hour. You will be glad you did.

The radical shift in 2020 from classical liberalism to woke neo-Marxist ideologies like transgenderism and intersectionality is making people confused and miserable. Yoram Hazony, President of the Herzl Institute in Jerusalem, tells us that parents must reclaim their role in teaching children, how cultural revolution movements are reshaping America, and why reconnecting with community and family is essential to counteract this trend. Discover how to live a more fulfilling life by preserving enduring values in this thought-provoking conversation.

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