Hate Speech
Hate Speech has been a subject of political discourse since the founding. Unfortunately, "Hate Speech" has now been established by the national Media as only a one-sided (Right) tactic. This message is regularly repeated and sadly even falsely identified as right wing hate speech (Tucson shooting of Rep. Giffords). The problem is actually non-partisan as it has always been. However, the venom being spewed by the Left is either not mentioned or obtusely justified by the national Media (Reps are racist). In the section below, to balance the message and present the true picture, we identify the "hate speech" on both sides. This page is different from the others on this site. The media outlet will usually be pointing the finger the other way. Thus, it is necessary to use "right leaning" media to identify "left wing" hate speech. And, use "left wing" media to identify "right wing" hate speech. So don't be confused when you read for example "Media Matters" on the right and the The Media Research Center on the left. It is necessary for you our reader to identify accurately the 'hate speech' sources, versus the media outlet, degrading the national political discourse. So left complaints about the right are reported on the right. Right complaints about the left are reported on the left.

Fraternity Against the Great Domestication

from First Things,

Sometime in 2023, a local chapter meeting of the Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR) closed amid laughter, toasts, and handshakes between future business partners. Earlier in the evening, over a meal, three members had exchanged information on an important urban development hearing that hadn’t been covered in the local press. One member gained a godfather for his newborn son; another secured a valuable internship for his teenage son; yet another obtained a second opinion on an institutional matter from an expert in the subject. Such fruitful evenings are common among the members of the fraternal organization we helped found, proving the worthiness of its ongoing mission. SACR’s thesis is that the flowering of deep fraternal bonds, informed by a traditional spiritual vision, is necessary for the renewal of civil society and the preservation of the common good. This is apparently quite the radical proposition. Upon discovering the existence of SACR, the leftist press predictably fired a salvo of hit pieces. The idea of an exclusively male, explicitly Christian civic organization—of the sort common throughout American history—confuses and terrifies them. In their imaginations, confidentiality becomes “conspiracy.” Maintaining standards of conduct and belief is “exclusionary.” Promoting republican civic order is to seek the overthrow of the U.S. government in favor of an “authoritarian” regime. Praying for the revival of Christendom is tantamount to wishing for “genocide.” Such histrionics reflect ignorance of how the West rose to civilizational excellence, or perhaps a judgment against the pursuit of excellence itself. Either way, these writers reinforce the spiritual enervation, isolation, and domestication of men demanded by our neoliberal regime. As SACR’s website reads, “A man is no longer encouraged to fly to the stars, to tame the wilderness, to plant the seeds that his children will inherit.” Tom Wolfe’s classic account of the Greatest Generation in The Right Stuff (1979) is almost inconceivable today.

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