Obviously Afghanistan has been the primary focal point in the War on Terror since September 11, 2001 when the United States was attacked and about 3,000 people were murdered. The US government identified Osama bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda organization based in and allied with the Taliban, the Islamic government in Afghanistan, as the perpetrators of the attacks. While political and military mistakes have been made in this 10 year conflict, we have been successful and destroying the violent Al-Qaeda and Taliban leadership and allowing a government friendly to its neighbors to hopefully evolve. This evolution will take time and be difficult, so our commitment should not waver, but our need for regular military forces in Afghanistan has ended. Continuing to watch and appropriately react to developments in Afghanistan will be an important political issue.

Forever, An American Embarrassment

from The Gray Area:

Retired Army Gen. Austin Scott Miller told members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in an April 15 transcribed interview warned White House Afghanistan pullout ‘would go very bad very fast’ before botched operation.

Not like this is news, any & everyone alive knew that before, during and after the failed operation.

The Afghanistan give-up was and continues to be a horrific embarrassment for the United States. Our allies now have a totally different view of our support, our commitment and resolve. American political statements are now a laughing stock. And there is only one reason for that, incompetence in the Biden Administration.

Here are four articles i posted since that colossal failure that are important to reflect on in the face of the publication of this interview. Apparently there were some in the military leadership who had a realistic vision of the problem.

Nicely done, Biden 8/15/21 Incompetence & failure 8/16/21 Apparently, we don’t know. 8/31/21 Continuing Embarrassment 8/8/23

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