The first financial crisis shoe to drop.

How Far Is Europe Swinging to the Right?

from The New York Times,

Amid a migrant crisis, sluggish economic growth and growing disillusionment with the European Union, right-wing parties — some longstanding, others newly formed — have been achieving electoral success in a growing number of European nations.

Viktor Orban and his right-wing Fidesz party won the last three elections, worrying many Western leaders about his increasingly authoritarian rule. Jobbik, a far-right, anti-immigration, populist and economic protectionist party, won 20 percent of the vote in parliamentary elections in 2014, making it Hungary’s third-largest party. Its policy platform includes holding a referendum on membership in the European Union and a call to “stop hushing up such taboo issues” as “the Zionist Israel’s efforts to dominate Hungary and the world.”

See the same political analysis for other European countries.

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