European Union
As Europe struggles financially it bears close scrutiny. So goes the euro, the countries of Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, and the European economy, so goes Europe and so goes the US.

Trump’s Case Against Europe

from The Wall Street Journal,

The president sees Brussels as too weak, too liberal, and anti-American on trade.

“Why does he hate us?” is the question American foreign-policy types often hear from European friends and colleagues when the subject of Donald Trump comes up—as it often does. With Mr. Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Europe this week, it seems an auspicious time to attempt an answer. The news isn’t all bad. When Mr. Trump and senior administration officials talk about China, they attack it for abusing the international system in a ruthless quest for global hegemony. Their reading of Europe is different: that a mix of dysfunctional policies, unrealistic ideas about world politics, and poor institutional arrangements has locked the Continent on a trajectory of decline. As Mr. Trump’s team sees it, they aren’t trying to weaken Europe; they are trying to save Europe from itself. There are five elements of the Trump critique of the European Union.

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