
10 Things The U.S. Can Start Doing Right Now To Counter China’s Dominance

from The Gray Area:

The Gray Area supports this well thought out and realistic plan of action from the Heritage Foundation to counter China and recommend its immediate implementation.

from The Federalist,

he Heritage Foundation released a thorough report titled “Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China” on March 28. In an address to introduce the plan, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., declared that the report will “help us to wake up and to realize that we are not just in a competition; we’re in a conflict.” “It is time to acknowledge reality: The United States is in a New Cold War with the PRC [People’s Republic of China],” Heritage President Kevin Roberts wrote, expressing a sentiment espoused throughout the report.

1. Ban Dangerous Chinese Apps

2. Ban the Import and Sale of Chinese Drones

3. Risk-Manage Inbound Investment

4. Reject Damaging ESG Policies

5. Increase Munition Production and Arm Taiwan

6. Foster Innovation in the U.S. Maritime and Shipping Sectors

7. Expand Export Controls

8. Hold China Accountable for Covid-19

9. Prioritize the Pacific Islands

10. Establish a Quad Select Initiative

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