War on Terror
Do you believe the United States is at war? Is there a declared War on America underway at this time? Has it been underway for almost 20 years? The answer is yes to all three questions. If you said "no" to any of these questions you are wrong! You have most likely been infected by the agenda peddling of the American mainstream media. To help you understand the facts, watch the National Geographic documentary, Inside 9/11-War on America. This series can be purchased at NatGeo or you can view it on YouTube. The YouTube videos are divided into 12 segments, segment 1 of 12 can be found here. The other 11 episodes can be found in the same YouTube area. Some like to make fun of the title "War on Terror". "What kind of war is that?" "It is a made up War." "We are fighting a War in Iraq and a War in Afghanistan, not a War on Terror." Well, as for fighting individual wars, that is just moronic. We were fighting multiple fronts in Europe and Asia as a part of the WWII effort. This War on Terror effort is and will continue to be fought on multiple fronts (Afghanistan, Iraq, now ISIS, Libya, Yemen, maybe Iran, and unfortunately here at home). So, call it anything you want, but it is real. And, as with every other war, history will find an appropriate label for this conflict and this period in human history. If you believe that this threat is over now due to the killing of Osama Bin Laden on May 2, 2011, then you are again wrong. The War on America continues. This unconventional war was helped by having an inspirational leader like Bin laden, but survives with the same objective to destroy "the great Satan", infidel America in a decentralized and dangerous structure. While America has many enemies at home and throughout the world, we must as a country accept the fact that right now the far greatest threat to our way of life and America as the great hope for humanity comes from Muslim extremists (both external and internal). To assume differently is naive and will be catastrophic for America and Americans like you. Following and in the sub categories will include stories and comments on this subject to give you varying perspectives. We trust it will helpful to your developing recognition of the continuing threat and be a strong voice in helping our leaders create an effective strategy for VICTORY. For 5 ways to survive a terrorist shooting at your office or any public place, check this video.


from The Gray Area:
10/8/23; updated 10/12/23:

It is a fact that throughout history, and certainly over the past century, tyrannical regimes respond to weakness, real and perceived. There is significant weakness in our world right now and tyrants are flexing their muscles. The US evacuated Afghanistan and the Taliban returned. Russia invaded Ukraine, because their was no one to stop them. They did the same thing in Crimea in 2014. China continually threatens to invade Taiwan, the scene is set for that step to happen anytime now. Iran is again posturing, and assisting terrorists. North Korea is making joint plans with Russia and China. And, Saturday, Hamas launched rockets from Gaza as its fighters waged a land, air and sea assault. 600 Israelis have been killed this weekend. How could this happen, they ask! With political chaos dominating attention in Israel, Hamas (and Iran) believes opportunity exists. Israeli intelligence warned the prime minister that “the enemy perceives the summer of 2023 as a historic weak point for Israel.” The success of Saturday’s assault simply confirmed to Hamas that Israel is weaker than it looks. “We were surprised by this great collapse,” an exiled Hamas leader told the Associated Press. “We were planning to make some gains and take prisoners to exchange them. This army was a paper tiger.” Weakness. These problems areas were significantly muted during the Trump Administration because strength, and unpredictability, was demonstrated to all. Iran was neutered. Afghanistan was under control with the Taliban in exile. ISIS was destroyed with its leaders killed. North Korea was given isolated and direct attention. The Abraham Accords in the Middle East demonstrated diplomatic success as peace and mutual acceptance won the day. This progress developed out of strength. Ronald Reagan famously executed a 'peace through strength' strategy which destroyed the communist regime in the Soviet Union. It is no surprise that Hamas would attack Israel, they have been attacking Israel for decades. But, when they were quiet, why? They perceived their position as weak, but, Israel and it's allies as strong. So why now? The opposite exists, weakness. That does not mean that the misguided actions of tyrants always work. They usually fail. In the meantime they will destroy lives and the peace of the world, simply because of weak worldwide leadership. Obviously, The United States is the most significant image of strength in the world. However, today the USA is being invaded on its southern border, allows tyrants to threaten them, pays tyrants (Iran) millions of dollars, negotiates with same and release terrorists and murders to them, walks out on its allies in combat areas. Weakness. What about the EU, Australia, or the UK? Each is struggling with their own domestic issues and weak leadership. They will usually follow the USA, which as we said is leading from weakness. The UN? A corrupt joke. They have zero impact of foreign affairs and world stability. They would prefer to take money to support social issues, and climate policies, than control rogue regimes. Russia is already exploiting the Israel attacks to bolster war in Ukraine. Should Israel be declaring war on Hamas? Sadly, yes.

No country can allow a group of people on its border, or within its borders, to terrorize, murder and declare their objective to be the destruction of the country. Certainly the decades old issue of the establishment of the Jewish state is real, but it can and should be finished. The first step to finishing it is to destroy those with murderous intentions and negotiate a lasting agreement that would allow multiple people to occupy the region. This has never been successful leading from weakness.

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