Unions in this country have had a checked past and now an undervalued future. In the 20's & 30's the union movement was one of violence by organizers, against organizers by business thugs and organized crime involvement. Organized crime involvement increased after WWII and strengthen its ties to organized labor. In the 50's & 60's American post war prosperity created ever increasing jobs and middle class wealth. Unions helped this process through collective bargaining. This increased wages, and benefits helping to propel blue collar workers into the middle class. Unfortunately, union leadership did not do what business leaders of successful companies do over time - they did not plan for the future. Instead they continued the continued the wage and benefit model to the point that it drove up cost to consumers, requiring close union shops in major cities (NYC, Chicago, etc). With technology change in the 80's & 90's union membership began to decrease and became less valuable. The parasitic 'wage & benefit' negotiating strategy destroyed their 'host' employers (both private companies & public governments). If they had leadership who could have built business plans to anticipate the impact technology would have on their membership, they could still be providing value to American workers and businesses. Instead, they are now only a left wing political group, forcing unions dues to be paid by non-members and using same for political benefits. With almost no value remaining for the country, they have declining membership and have become a drag on economic growth. If union leadership would develop a plan, that both political parties could align with, there is a chance they could reclaim an important role in the America economy of the 21st century.

Big Labor apologists simply ignore such data.

from Right to Work Committee Newsletter,
March/April, 2019:

Big Labor apologists simply ignore such data. Manufacturing Jobs Flock Back to Michigan.

In 2012, elected officials in Lansing ignored Big Labor’s economists and passed the nation’s 24th state Right to Work law, giving Michiganders a chance to see for themselves if the pro-forced unionism “think tank” was right. Now it should be obvious to all the EPI was wrong. From 2013, the first year its Right to Work law took effect, through 2018, factory employment in Michigan soared by more than 81,000, an absolute increase far greater than any other state’s. Union Boss-Dominated Garden State Faces Economic Death Spiral.

‘The People Who Can Leave Are Leaving’. You Keep More of Your Money When You Live in Right To Work States.

In 2017, employees in Right to Work states earned, on average, $1,756 more in cost of living-adjusted compensation than employees in forced-dues states. Since 2013, Right to Work’s real compensation advantage has more than doubled. Living in Right To Work States is More Affordable for Everyone.

Thirteen of the 14 most affordable states have Right to Work laws on the books. But not one of the 14 least affordable states has one. Debt & Big Labor Go Hand-In-Hand.

As a consequence of Big Labor’s compulsory dues-financed lobbying successes, states that give more special privileges to public-sector union officials have routinely burdened their citizens with more debt as well as heavier taxation. People In Right To Work States Have More Money to Buy Presents for Loved Ones.

According to Census data that have been available for years, poverty adjusted for geographic differences in housing costs is higher in forced-union states than in Right-to-Work states. Forced-dues state households have less to spend.

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