Why does the Court need reforming?

from The Gray Area:
The Supreme Court decision on Trump's immunity case has the Democrats and their compliant media up in arms again over the Supreme Court. They have been ginning up their SCOTUS 'dissent' going back to the confirmation hearings of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Barrett.  Since then, starting with 'corruption' charges and then following every decision by the Court, from affirmative action, abortion, confusion over Bruen decision, homeless, Jan 6th obstruction charges, Chevron Deference, bump stocks, SC voting map, and now 'immunity' has just added fuel to their fire. A few left wing successes, social media rights, razor wire at the border, gun ban for domestic-violence TROs, and partisan election maps have not cooled their rage. Do they have reason politically to be concerned? Absolutely. But, it is all just political. In response, they have considered everything from demanding new ethics rules (which they got), impeachment, term limits, constitutional amendments, and packing the Court. It appears that in the final months of Biden's term, he plans to offer a plan to do just that, pack the court. Packing the Court is an obvious political, not judicial or constitutional play. When the Court was dominated by left wing justices and decisions went dependably left wing, the Democrats and the media were satisfied with the Court. Now with a Court leaning different politically, the entire, constitutionally defined, '3 separate branches of government', has to be thrown away. Living with Court decisions as the Republicans have had to do for decades, is just not acceptable to the Democrats/media cabal.

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