"I have a dream that my four little children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."~ MLK Jr. This famous quote is as powerful now as it was when it was issued. This is where Americans of the left & right believe we are now or should be, where character counts -- and is expected. “There is a class of race problem solvers whom make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public….some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances because they do not want to lose their jobs…they don’t want the patient to get well.” Booker T. Washington. Unfortunately, BTW was right then and it continues. Race in this country has now become an industry unto itself, even though the American people think it is about time that we are a post-racial society. Furthering racism however is necessary for the race industry (Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev Jeremiah Wright, Rev Al Sharpton, the National of Islam, the New Black Panther Party, etc) to survive. Which means if racism were ever to be eliminated, the industry and the people whose livelihood depends on it, would no longer be needed. And so it is kept alive, long after it's purpose has faded into history. Therefore, the racism industry is now a bigger problem than the racism issue itself. People on both sides, left and right, agree that racism and discrimination are unacceptable in America. To say or think that only one political group (the right) is to blame is inaccurate, irresponsible and/or ignorant. To say so purposely and knowingly is reprehensible. Unfortunately, political ideologies have also attached themselves to this industry in an attempt to secure votes. The Left ( Marxist, radical and lunatic liberals who control the President and the Democrat party) today, and their media counterparts, lead this reprehensible effort with their daily barrage of viscous and inaccurate racist attacks on the right. The Left has been brilliantly successful with this strategy. This success is extremely ironic when you realize that the legacy of racism in this country belongs to the Democrat party. • Democrats legacy of Racism. • How Republicans Thwarted Democrat racism. • Why only Democrats and liberals should feel white guilt? Below you will see both sides clearly. Let's begin right now to talk honestly about race, about character and about racial progress in this country for a change. Opportunity exists for everyone, equally, and has for the last 60 years. That is at least two generations. In that context, read the debate below on, what should no longer be, the issue of race.

Serving a political narrative

from The Gray Area:
What is replacement theory and why is it playing such a role in the talking head reviews of the horrid Buffalo shooting? The Great Replacement Theory is the notion that people from minority populations, both here and in Europe, are replacing the existing white, largely Christian population. CNN says the US will be a minority white population in this decade. As the story is being presented, the theory was embraced by far-right white nationalist groups globally and has inspired targeted & tragic mass killings. It is playing so well in the media because the media is all about serving important political narratives, and this one, conservative Republican white supremacy, permeates all their political narratives. Political narratives are the opposite of reality, and that applies here. The great replacement theory, pushed by the media as an explanation for the shooting in Buffalo, is real, just not the way the media and Democrat politicians are playing it. It is called a far right conspiracy theory, not because the right dreamed it up, but because the right reacts negatively to it.  This allows the media to say the right's reaction is racist, which is false. The left dreamed up the theory and are now pushing the white supremacy narrative against the replacement theory message. The left is executing the theory, and the right is reacting to it,  On the left side of this page is one of many stories by the media showing right wing extremist ownership of replacement theory. On the right side of this page, is evidence that the left is the source of this theory and how the theory benefits Democrats. Democrats have pushed this strategy for years, going all the way back to Senator Thoedore Bilbo (D) in 1935 and even to the French nationalist movement of the 1900s. But is replacement theory the replacement of whites by non-white immigrant populations or that people who are defined as white are entitled to displace other people, to enslave other people, to colonize other people? These are two different things.  Yet, when you listen to the discussions, both views are combined into one political narrative to send a negative racist message about the right, being Republicans. This confusion allows the owner of political messages, the media, to talk out of both sides of their mouths on the theory and its implications. One sociologist calls this "a newer framework for an old idea". Confused yet? Of course you are, that's the point. Its the opposite of reality. This is the truth about replacement theory. The left is pushing replacement theory to change the 'complexion' of the US population in conjunction with political narratives in hopes of increasing Democrat votes. To do this they are opening the borders, adding non citizens to the census for the purpose of adding seats in Congress, giving benefits to non-citizens and possibly having non citizens vote. To the conservative population, this has nothing to do with race. To conservatives, this is just evil, because it is deceptive , manipulative and based on revolutionary & 'fundamental change' vs natural immigration. The Democrats realize this, so they publicize the plan to increase concern on the right in hopes of someone eventually reacting poorly or violently to this assault on democracy and the Constitution. When the right says this is an assault on democracy and the Constitution, the left says no, its racist. A no-win scenario for the right. A brilliant political narrative for the left and the media.  The left can implement their own theory and simultaneously use it against their opposition. Sadly, they are being successful. The racism in this theory it is resident in those who are executing the theory, the Democrat Party. The Democrats legacy of racism in the United States continues as the 'soft bigotry of low expectations' coupled with the Marxist ideal of a permanent underclass that needs government assistance. How sad to expect so little of your fellow citizens just because of their skin color. More From ABCNews:

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