"I have a dream that my four little children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."~ MLK Jr. This famous quote is as powerful now as it was when it was issued. This is where Americans of the left & right believe we are now or should be, where character counts -- and is expected. “There is a class of race problem solvers whom make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public….some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances because they do not want to lose their jobs…they don’t want the patient to get well.” Booker T. Washington. Unfortunately, BTW was right then and it continues. Race in this country has now become an industry unto itself, even though the American people think it is about time that we are a post-racial society. Furthering racism however is necessary for the race industry (Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev Jeremiah Wright, Rev Al Sharpton, the National of Islam, the New Black Panther Party, etc) to survive. Which means if racism were ever to be eliminated, the industry and the people whose livelihood depends on it, would no longer be needed. And so it is kept alive, long after it's purpose has faded into history. Therefore, the racism industry is now a bigger problem than the racism issue itself. People on both sides, left and right, agree that racism and discrimination are unacceptable in America. To say or think that only one political group (the right) is to blame is inaccurate, irresponsible and/or ignorant. To say so purposely and knowingly is reprehensible. Unfortunately, political ideologies have also attached themselves to this industry in an attempt to secure votes. The Left ( Marxist, radical and lunatic liberals who control the President and the Democrat party) today, and their media counterparts, lead this reprehensible effort with their daily barrage of viscous and inaccurate racist attacks on the right. The Left has been brilliantly successful with this strategy. This success is extremely ironic when you realize that the legacy of racism in this country belongs to the Democrat party. • Democrats legacy of Racism. • How Republicans Thwarted Democrat racism. • Why only Democrats and liberals should feel white guilt? Below you will see both sides clearly. Let's begin right now to talk honestly about race, about character and about racial progress in this country for a change. Opportunity exists for everyone, equally, and has for the last 60 years. That is at least two generations. In that context, read the debate below on, what should no longer be, the issue of race.

Jealous, Racist and Ignorant

6/3/24; updated June 6, 2024
from The Gray Area:
6/3/24; updated June 6, 2024:
Many opinions have been shared about the flagrant hit on Caitlan Clark of the WNBA's Indiana Fever by Chennedy Carter of the Chicago Sky. But, with all those opinions, the issue with this cowardly hit should be crystal clear. As Sally Jenkins said in The Washington Post, of all places; By allowing cheap shots on Caitlin Clark, the WNBA is courting trouble. The Chicago Sky’s Chennedy Carter should have been suspended by the WNBA for a game, and that’s just the basketball of it. Not women’s basketball, or rookie hazing basketball, or racially loaded basketball, either. Basketball. There’s nothing competitive or incidental about it. But, political narratives demand complicating the issue, because she is white and the offender is black and the league is predominately black.  That makes this not about basketball, but about jealousy, racism, ignorance and the political narratives that cover up such character flaws. Jealousy, because Caitlyn is getting all the attention. - Stephen A Smith said as much. - Monica McNutt said as much with Stephen A when she said where is the respect for all of us who built this league and where she can come nto and taek to the next level. - Is there jealousy of Clark’s enormous, almost inexplicable popularity and her massive sponsorship deals? You bet. Racist, because black players don't like a white girl making headlines in 'their' league. - The View said this by saying there is 'pretty privilege' & 'white privilege' Ignorance, because the WNBA has never made a profit. It is kept afloat for political reasons by the NBA. They now have a chance to get people interested in the WNBA, to get game attendance up and to get profitable. Attacking the person that is giving them that opportunity is just ignorant. Race is supposed to be irrelevant.  Lebron James said "Caitlin Clark is the reason why a lot of great things is going to happen for the WNBA…I’m rooting for Caitlin ..." In addition to Sally Jenkins article above, there was another Washington Post article a day before, The ugly discourse surrounding Caitlin Clark, by Candace Buckner. Caitlin Clark is here to save the WNBA, as long as she doesn’t get touched. We should all protect Caitlin Clark. She is the white knight galloping in to save the Dark Continent known as the WNBA, the singular star uplifting an entire women’s sports movement that only now matters because men are watching. when Chicago Sky guard Chennedy Carter committed a flagrant foul by shoulder-checking Clark on Saturday, she became the subject of an ugly discourse that assumes Clark’s frailty — and accuses her rivals of villainy.The fourth-year guard out of Texas A&M did cross the line of fair play. Ever since, however, the moment has been presented as proof that WNBA veterans don’t like Clark and are intentionally roughing her up. But that’s an insincere way of putting it. Because the usual suspects would prefer spewing coded language, let’s be more specific: The moment is being magnified as incriminating evidence that brutish Black women are jealous of the league’s supposed savior and therefore would rather manhandle her than show appreciation.Clark can’t simply be a rookie going through her Welcome to the WNBA phase, something that even the league itself leaned into with its tongue-in-cheek commercial aimed at newcomers, both the ones on the court and those in front of television screens. Because Clark is the linchpin drawing sellout crowds and groundbreaking ratings — the marketable star with the agreeable skin color and sexuality — her plight carries a sympathetic bent with her most loyal audience.Those in the media who create lazy headlines, desperate for your clicks; the male pundits who suddenly want to share their passionate opinions about the WNBA; and the players, in a predominantly Black league, who are being asked to show deference to this White rookie’s popularity. Candace, you just participated in "the ugly discourse surrounding Caitlin Clark". I didn't hear you make the point about the lack of 'inclusion' in a predominantly Black league. If the WNBA was 'predominately white', wouldn't you be complaining about the lack of inclusion and racist behavior of the league? Why are you afraid of the league being improved by adding a "marketable star" of any race? Continuing the rest of Sally Jenkin's article; Better yet, watch it (the Chennedy Carter hit) side by side with Patrick Beverley’s play. There are sundry comparable instances in the NBA, and they all earned suspensions. The closest comparison is Beverley, who has been suspended twice for almost identical acts — or less. In 2021, when Beverly was with the Los Angeles Clippers, he earned a one-game penalty for merely shoving the Phoenix Suns’ Chris Paul in the back with two hands during a play stoppage in the Western Conference finals. In 2022, the league office gave him a three-game suspension for a hard shoulder blow almost exactly like Carter’s flagrant-one. Late in a heated contest between the Los Angeles Lakers and Suns, Beverley had been going back and forth with Phoenix’s Deandre Ayton. During a stoppage, Beverley lowered his shoulder and drove it into an unsuspecting Ayton, knocking him to the ground. “That is a straight body check,” ESPN’s announcer declared. That time, Beverley got a more severe suspension because of his history. Clark is absorbing more fouls statistically than any other WNBA rookie. It’s not just a function of typical rookie hazing or Clark’s own conduct. One of the many dynamics in this situation is that the mauling hasn’t stopped Clark, so it’s liable to get uglier. “There’s a difference between tough defense and unnecessary — targeting actions.” There is contact in basketball now. Like it or not, that's a fact. But, there are rules when contact is not allowed and the player is given a foul. Flagrant and dirty hits are not allowed in basketball (or any sport). They are unacceptable. The hit on Caitlyn Clark was such a hit. You do not have to send a player to the hospital to recognize and unnecessary, hate-filled and flagrant hit. It is unacceptable and the person who did it should not only have been given a flagrant foul, but thrown out of the game and given a suspension. If you want the game to be competitive & clean, then enforce the rules! People don't come to games to see cowardly, dirty hitters play basketball. They come to see Caitlyn shoot. What a concept. Yep. Jealously, racism & ignorance. This is what Caitlyn Clark said after the incident: "It is what it is," Clark said. "I feel like I'm just at the point where you accept it and don't retaliate. Just let them hit you, be what it is, don't let it get in your head and know it's coming. I think at this point, I know I'm gonna take a couple hard shots a game, and that's what it is. Clark seems to have the right perspective in a competitive game. Chicago Sky guard Chennedy Carter says she has "no regrets" for a dirty, cowardly hit. Any questions?

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