The 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, among other rights, grants freedom of the press. It specifically states: "... Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of the press ..." As with the rest of the Constitution, a brilliant political principle without question. With its brilliance though, it does not regulate the quality of the free press and throughout our history we have seen both outstanding journalism and pitiful examples of a free press. In the second decade of the 21st century, there are two strong political ideologies (left & right) controlling the political dialogue in this country. During the 2012 Presidential Election, spin from the left and right are presented as mainstream information and what was formerly mainstream, balanced & unbiased information sources have changed or evolved their format to the point that unbiased reporting is unavailable. In the 2016 Presidential Election, there was no effort at all to cover up the biased reporting of the mainstream media. Today's news sources are targeting specific messages to gain specific ideological audiences, thereby presenting bias. This bias is most times unidentifiable, not completely truthfully nor presented with perspective and context that the reader/viewer/listener requires and expects. Shockingly, sometimes this bias is purposely (NBC) camouflaged (NY Times - 4th paragraph down) from the reader/viewer/listener. In our polarized society, these strong messages on both sides overpower the ability of people with limited time to evaluate issues to find a center, compromise, reasonable or mainstream position. Especially when each side is also saying they offer the center, compromise, reasonable and mainstream position, whether they do or not. There are media watchdog organizations out there, but they also represent an ideological left and right. Much of this website is dedicated to shedding light on the bias in current American journalism. While we long for that great post-WWII journalistic era, where we were served by responsible, professional and largely unbiased journalism, unfortunately, we are no longer so served. That makes it difficult for American citizens to find the truth among the hype, agenda peddling and biased reporting. If you look at the bottom of this page and all pages on this website, you will find major (and some not so major) news organizations listed based on their political leanings, Left or Right. You will immediately notice there are none listed in the center. While there may be the occasional article in any of these news sources which could be a center, balanced and truthful report, by and large the reporting from that news source is defined by its L-R political leanings. The Gray Area is attempting to help its readers by so identifying the biases of the news source from which a report originates to help you identify the spin within the news piece you are reading or watching. We will include an article in the center if we believe it represents the center, a thoughtful, balanced and honest perspective. That way, presented with facts and recognizing the source, you can make up your own mind. In this 'media' section, we comment on the egregiousness of some reporting so that you may see the best and worst of what we must today use as our sources of information. From an analysis of all the sources, THE GRAY AREA HAS CREATED ITS OWN SPECTRUM OF MEDIA BIAS.

Violent activity of the left, never reported by the media

from The Gray Area:
This kind of violent and dangerous activity conducted by leftist gangs is never reported by the media. If this was a conservative, Trump supporting, group attempting these despicable acts, it would be all over the news. MAGA, anti-democratic, Trump supporters are the narratives repeated as nauseum in this type incident. Ask yourself why? The answer is in the bias, training and nature of modern media.
  • Because supporting progressive politics is the media agenda, they have established political narratives, and aggressively repeat them. Think of the wild panic when NBCNews hired, then prompted cancelled the on-air contract of former RNC Chairman Ronna McDaniel! Though, MSNBC has long employed former RNC Chairman Michael Steele. What's the difference? One (Steele) supports the progressive, uni-party, anti-Republican narratives of MSNBC, the other McDaniel), it was assumed, would not have. There is something more sinister at play than political agendas in these and other networks.
  • Media training & tactics sets up the process for making this preferred type of incident a top of mind event. Using vividness & frequency, they make airplane crashes appear more of a problem than they are when compared to other modes of transportation. They do the same to create a threat of non-existent, right-wing violence by not reporting and/or excusing the left-wing violent activities (mostly peaceful, remember), which occur almost daily.  Therefore, the frequency and vividness of a supposed right-wing incident can maintain top of mind and appear be a bigger problem than more frequent and destructive left-wing violence.
  • This type of assault & violence above is completely ignored by the 'mass' media.
Hiding one's identity, and trying to blind people is a crime of the highest order.  It should be roundly, and non-partisanly assailed. But, it is not, is kept off the front pages, and the public is deceived. In addition, it does not fit the preferred media political narratives to reveal eight egregious crimes committed by illegal immigrants. In a 30-day study from April to May, the Media Research Center discovered eight serious crimes that never should have happened, if Mayorcas and the DHS had done their job protecting the border. The major networks have not reported on these incidents. Tragically, the eight unreported crimes include sexual offenses, two fatal car crashes, and other violent acts, including a Guatemalan illegal immigrant charged in Florida with the kidnapping and sexual assault of an 11 year old child and not one was given even a minute of coverage by the networks. Would the networks ignore such stories for their favored narratives, racism, transgender, anything negative on Trump, climate change, supposed MAGA violence, etc? Of course, not. They would have been 'above the fold' for days. Even if they were false stories. These are true stories which have and are being ignored. Violent activity, excused and omitted by the media. 'Vary your news sources' to find the total picture of what's happening in America.

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