There is probably no clearer example of the partisan political divide than with regard to the issue of immigration. From border states like Texas and Arizona where the problem is illegal immigration and criminal activity to other states like California and Washington who need temporary farm laborers and skilled technology workers, the immigration issue is hotly debated. Unfortunately, the radical fringe of both the left (more minority immigrants=more votes) and right (build a wall & no path to citizenship for illegals) are controlling the immigration conversation with absolutely no attention to the what is best for America. Unlike a few other issues, this issue is ripe for a compromise solution if only the majority of both the left and right would stand up and recognize there is little that separates you on this issue. Lets regain our common sense on this issue and get the radicals out of the way.

Dems Insist Border Is ‘Secure,’ Corporate Media Shrug

from MRC,

DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas (with a straight face): “The border is secure.” No matter how you twist the facts, by any metric, that is a bald-faced lie. The Biden administration has laid out a 2000-mile welcome mat along our southern border. Millions of illegals, including Chinese nationals, MS-13 gang members, and fentanyl-laden mules, are crossing unimpeded. They see it as a feeder system into Democrat voter rolls, dreaming of flipping Texas blue … for a start. MRC’s Bill D’Agostino put together a video sampling administration lackeys claiming the border - laughably - is secure, without any pushback from the leftist press.

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