Weekly report on US Gas and Oil production prepared by the US Energy Information Administration.

The left's 'America Last' energy policy

By Jessica Anderson,,
from The Hill,

After the policies of President Trump’s administration boosted America to become the top energy exporter in the world, the Biden administration and his congressional allies have decided to reverse course. The administration’s actions and laws making their way through committee have made their goal clear: destroying America’s energy industry while boosting our enemies’ production. This goal has been clear since last year: even on the campaign trail, Biden told voters he wanted to eliminate fracking. He followed through on his first day in office. Shortly after his inauguration, President Biden rescinded approval of the Keystone XL pipeline with an executive order stating that the pipeline “would not serve the U.S. national interest.” Of course, this move killed thousands of high-paying jobs and hurt one of our closest allies, Canada. ADVERTISEMENT Just a week later, Biden signed another order to ban new permits for drilling on federal land and the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Despite the fact that drilling in ANWR could create over 100,000 jobs and bring in over $400 billion in government revenue, the administration decided that being “Green” was more important than American workers and taxpayers. Then last month, the administration surprised the nation by supporting a pipeline — but not an American one. The Biden administration announced on May 19 that it had waived congressional sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, a system of offshore natural gas pipelines that will run from Russia to Germany and will be operated by Gazprom, a corporate extension of the Kremlin.

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