Weekly report on US Gas and Oil production prepared by the US Energy Information Administration.

A Gas Tax Holiday From Reality

from The Wall Street Journal,

Even Democrats can’t hide their disdain for President Biden’s latest gas-price gimmick.

Let’s call the roll on President Biden’s ideas to reduce high gasoline prices. He’s tried lobbying the Saudis, to no avail. Releasing oil from the U.S. strategic reserve; the market yawned. Attacking oil and gas companies for not drilling or refining enough, but he also wants to put those companies out of business.

Now comes the feeblest effort so far—a White House request on Wednesday that Congress suspend the 18.4 cent a gallon federal gas tax for three months. That’s only long enough to reduce the irritation of drivers, er, voters, every time they fill up the tank during the summer driving season. Has there ever been a more transparently cynical vote-buying policy exercise? Ah, yes, we forgot student-loan cancellation.

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