Photographer Behind Photos of Border Agents on Horseback Blows Massive Hole in Establishment Media, Biden Narrative

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from Western Journal,

Leftists never let facts get in the way of a good story, and the fable about Border Patrol agents whipping Haitian refugees was destined to be a classic — even as it’s proven time and again to be a fabrication.

Social media was abuzz earlier this week after photos appeared to show agents on horseback whipping illegal immigrants at the border in Del Rio, Texas.

It was an easy lie to debunk, as agents don’t carry whips, and it was clear to those with a vague familiarity with horseback riding that what observers were mistaking for weapons were just the reins used to steer horses.

But the facts just keep piling up, and now the photographer responsible for the images has sought to set the record straight once and for all.

Speaking with KTSM-TV, Paul Ratje, the photographer who captured the images Sunday, was adamant that he did not see agents whipping anyone despite the story crafted around those pictures.

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