State Election Integrity laws update

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from Heritage Foundation,


We had a huge win in Florida this week! The State Legislature passed SB90 and it will now head to Governor DeSantis’ desk to be signed into law.

This bill:
-Protects absentee ballots by prohibiting political operatives from harvesting ballots.
-Removes the corrupting influence of private money from government election operations, by prohibiting the government from accepting private money to conduct elections.
-Strengthens voter ID on vote-by-mail ballots
-Increases transparency by giving election observers from all parties full access to monitor the process


In Arizona, a bill to clean up the absentee voter rolls by notifying and removing voters who fail to vote by absentee ballot in 4 consecutive elections. These voters would remain on the voter rolls and could still vote in person—but opportunities for fraud would be reduced as they would no longer be automatically mailed an absentee ballot.

A misconception has spread that SB1485 wouldn’t go into effect until 2026, but that’s not true, SB1485 would immediately begin cleaning up Arizona’s vote-by-mail list.

Wisconsin & Texas
Election integrity reforms passed in Wisconsin and Texas are still in process.

You can keep up with all these efforts at