Media Is Complicit in Leftist Violence Against Trump Supporters

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from PJ Media,

It isn’t safe out there these days if one is a Trump supporter exercising one’s right to participate in the American political process. You have to look out for lunatics in vans, lunatics with cane swords, and lunatics who wake up looking like mug shots and slap kids.

If you — as all of you are — are frequent consumers of conservative media, you know about these stories.

Those left to the editorial whims of The New York Times or any of the evening news networks, however, are probably blissfully unaware.

he media’s role in letting the leftist violence get out of hand cannot be understated. There are both errors of commission and errors of omission.

Errors of commission happen when they do things like lie and insist that Antifa is a reasonable “anti-fascist” group of peaceful protesters.

Errors of omission occur when virtually no one in the mainstream media can work up any outrage for acts of physical violence committed against Trump supporters. The stories get a few minutes of daylight, then it’s off to the memory hole.

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