Solar Road Is the Left’s Latest Debacle

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from Rush Limbaugh,

RUSH: Have you ever heard of a solar road? I hadn’t until I ran across this story. Solar roads. It’s an actual road made of solar panels. A road! Something you would drive on. Something you would ride your bike on. “Solar roads were promised to be one of the biggest unprecedented revolutions of our time, not just in the field of renewable energy but in the energy sector generally. Covering 2,800 square meters, Normandy’s solar road was the first in the world, inaugurated in 2016…”

You know what?

The road has deteriorated to a terrible state, it isn’t producing anywhere near the amount of energy it had previously pledged to, and the traffic it has brought with it is causing noise problems,” because driving on solar panels is not quiet. It’s another left-wing invention based on doing good things — social justice, sustainable economy and climate change, blah, blah, blah — and it’s an absolute debacle.

I’m gonna wrap this up on the colossal failure that is the solar road … That’s brick sized solar panels or solar panels made to look like bricks. And that woman is walking on the solar road to demonstrate the beauty and the functionality and all that. Now, the story here is from Business Insider. “The world’s first solar road has turned out to be a colossal failure that’s falling apart and doesn’t generate enough energy,” for anything.

Now, we had a guy call, “But, Rush, you have to test these things.” Really? How many stupid ideas that cost billions and billions of dollars are we gonna fall for in this whole renewable energy scam. Solar and wind are two of the biggest scams that are underway out there, all predicated on saving the planet, all predicated on somehow being able to replace fossil fuels in order to save the planet, and they’ve got their hooks into so many young people on this that this has almost become the equivalent of a religious crusade, believing in this kind of stuff.

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