UN: Give up meat to save the planet

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The United Nations is gravely worried about your hamburger.

Yesterday, the Journal Nature carried a story with the provocative title “Eat less meat: UN climate change report calls for change in human diet.”

The long and short of the argument put forward by UN nanny-state officials is that “efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions and the impacts of global warming will fall significantly short without drastic changes in global land use, agriculture and human diets.” Hence, they conclude, there is a need to radically cut back on ranching and farming, and especially those dastardly cows that burp and blow gas out their backsides.

It would be one thing if they were just “urging” people to follow their advice. After all, there are many legitimate reasons people pursue vegetarian or vegan diets voluntarily. But alas, such is not the modus operandi of those in the liberal ruling class. They want to “incentivize” you to get with the program.

if Germany is any indication, it could be something like a stiff tax on meat — much like cigarettes. Or perhaps it might be something like removing miles of farmland through “wetlands” and “endangered species” laws. Maybe it’s even imposing something like “Meatless Mondays” as Mayor de Blasio is currently serving up to school children in the Big Apple. Some are even advocating pressuring restaurants to provide “meat patches” and “eating insects” as featured menu items. The possibilities are endless.

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