Why the World Needs Cathedrals

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from National Catholic Register,

Let us enter the doors of our cathedrals as pilgrims, not tourists, before it is too late.

It took flames to engulf the French soul to remind us that cathedrals remain one of the best evangelizers, and France was once hailed as “the most Christian country.” Yet on Monday of Holy Week, the jewel of that once (and, I predict, future) Catholic country, Notre-Dame Cathedral — as central a character in Victor Hugo as Esmeralda and Quasimodo, as iconic as anything Paris added to its cityscape in the 850 years since it was constructed, and so durable that it stood fast during Robespierre’s Cult of the Supreme Being ceremonies in the French Revolution, withstood Napoleon’s emperorship, and stood tall as Nazis occupied its great city — was still yet evangelizing even as she burned, like Joan of Arc before her, like the martyrs.

She was reminding us that the world still needs the Church, because it still needs God.

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Why the World Needs Cathedrals