COVID Variant - Delta
Delta Blues
Morning rundown by @thedispatch is always worth your time, but today's summary putting in context last week's hysterical, misleading COVID/Delta news is a real service -- well done!
— Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) August 2, 2021
The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid
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9/8/21Why does it seem that Dems, the Media & Government HC officials don't want a treatment for COVID?
9/2/21Natural Immunity, what a concept! Vaccinations for those without immunity, wow!
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8/19/21Follow Your Nose to Herd Immunity
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8/4/21What ever happened to the home of the brave?
8/3/21Delta Blues
8/3/21Continual Overreaction for Political Purposes
7/27/21Let's Look At Numbers & The Science