Biden executive orders
President Biden vowed to begin immediately to reverse the Trump agenda and re-instate the Obama-Biden agenda. He will have to do much of this through executive orders. The same way Trump did to reverse elements of the Obama agenda when he took office in 2016.

Is Biden Committed to Unity or Unilateral Action?

by Kay C. James,
from Heritage Foundation,

President Joe Biden delivered a memorable inaugural address. A week into his presidency, Biden has taken an astonishing 40 executive actions—more than any president in history. While some executive orders are perfectly fine, what we are seeing now are examples of short-circuiting the democratic process by cutting out Congress.

A president truly interested in healing divisions would seek first to find common ground,... [and] find approval on both sides Instead, he demonstrated a desire to satiate his left-wing base by unilaterally implementing their pet policies. Unfortunately, that approach will only further divide America — and leave us less secure, with fewer economic opportunities.

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