Cancel Culture

Parental Authority Is the Basis of Civilization

by Dennis Prager,
from Right & Free,

As most Americans now realize, America is experiencing a societal breakdown. This should be obvious to anyone, even those facilitating this breakdown as they openly acknowledge they seek to break down American society. This is a society that teaches its youngest citizens a suicidal lie: that America was founded in 1619, that it was built on slavery and that even today it is systemically racist.

This is a society that robs its youngest of sexual innocence.

This is a society that has taken as a given that there are more than two sexes; that has Jewish and Christian clergy sign emails with "preferred pronouns"; that will praise the Disney Corporation for dropping all references to "boys and girls" from its theme park announcements. This is a society in which refusing to say that men give birth can lead to social banning and the loss of one's job and income. This is a society that encourages violent crime.

This is a society in which fewer and fewer young people are marrying, fewer are having children, and more and are having children without being married, usually without a father in the life of the child. This all began with the demise of moral authority — and moral, social and intellectual chaos is the inevitable result. Prior to the 1960s, America had moral authority — God, country, parents, the Bible, teachers, police, and clergy. Not one of them is a normative authority today. Starting in the 1960s, each one was overthrown. The '60s motto "Never trust anyone over 30" perfectly embodied this

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