State Budgets
Budget shortfalls, city defaults & bankruptcies, potential state bankruptcies means the budgets of individual states will impact the economies of the other states and the federal budget/deficit.

Taking A Great City Down

from CFACT,
NYC goes stone-age Green [caption id="attachment_174694" align="aligncenter" width="300"] No caption.[/caption] What if Wall Street and Madison Avenue follow Amazon's lead and shrug? The radical Left is in firm control of New York City and is flexing its big Green muscles. Take a look at my article on and Facebook. First the Greens starved NYC for power by blocking natural gas and scheduling nuclear power for shutdown. Now they're saddling, what is perhaps the world's greatest city, with a host of destructive environmental / climate policies guaranteed to do real damage and no meaningful good. Mayor Bill de Blasio chose Earth Day to unveil his own "Green New Deal," in this case a $14 billion strategic plan designed to reduce the City’s “carbon footprint…before it’s too late.” Here's a taste of what may be in store:
  • Effectively ban the glass-walled and steel buildings that comprise today's skyscrapers
  • Force massive refits on existing large buildings in an attempt to reduce energy use by 40%
  • Reduce city beef consumption by 50%
  • Phase out processed meat
  • Mandate recycling of all organic waste
  • Force midtown drivers to pay congestion tolls
  • Extend Manhattan offshore from the Brooklyn Bridge to Battery Park and build a seawall.
The arrogance, stupidity and short-sightedness of New York politicians is staggering. New York is the financial capitol of the world. Making it unpleasant and prohibitively expensive to live and do business there is shockingly perilous. The businesses that propel NYC's multi-billion dollar economy -- think finance, advertising, and technology -- are incredibly mobile in the information age. They no longer need to gather in a stock exchange building with slips of paper to trade shares. All that can be done online. New York's best producers can pack up and leave in a heartbeat. Detroit's left-wing leadership assumed that the Motor City could endlessly shake down its automobile industry, until that industry up and left. More From CFACT:

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